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Liked by nicholasgalitzine, taylorzakharperez and 27k others

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Liked by nicholasgalitzine, taylorzakharperez and 27k others

jemmagal that's a wrap on the set of Red, White and Royal blue. so sad to say goodbye to so many people, this was a pretty awesome journey for me behind the scene

rachelonacloudyday i will miss you so much, I can't believe this is already over

    ^ jemmagal i'm gonna miss you too Rachel, you have to come back to London so we can hang out with Ellie. girls' night out

    ^ rachelonacloudyday of course I will be back and you can see me when I am in LA or back home in Baltimore

    ^ jemmagal god, i need some tissues

    ^ rachelonacloudyday don't cry, you're gonna make me cry too

    ^ jemmagal *ugly crying*

    ^ rachelonacloudyday 😭😭😭

elliebamber_ I am not going anywhere anytime soon, we can hang out as much as we can

    ^ jemmagal thank you Ellie, i am going to need some moral support

    ^ elliebamber_ I'll always be there

    ^ jemmagal love you, girl

    ^ elliebamber_ love you, too

nicholasgalitzine I am staying in London for a while, so you still have me close if you need it

    ^ jemmagal thank you bestie

user66 this is making me so sad  

userfromfrance that means we are one step closer to the release of the movie

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Liked by taylorzakharperez, rachelonacloudyday and 31

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Liked by taylorzakharperez, rachelonacloudyday and 31.4k others

jemmagal just spent my last day with this incredible man. thank you for these amazing adventures over the last three months. I'm going to miss you Taylor x

📸 nicholasgalitzine

taylorzakaharperez i'm going to miss you too Jemma, you know you can always come with me to LA

    ^ jemmagal you know I would love to, but I can't

    ^ taylorzakharperez I'll even pay for your ticket

    ^ jemmagal I can't, I'm sorry

    ^ taylorzakharperez you know you'll always be welcome to come and see me and we can make more memories

    ^ jemmagal I'll hold you up to that

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Hey man.

Hey Nicholas. What's up?

I know I've been a dick about you and Jemma, but I think you're good for her.
I'll do everything I can to convince her to visit you in LA.

Thanks, man, I really appreciate it.

Have a good flight home, Taylor.


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