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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 10,6k others

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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 10,6k others

jemmagal spent the day with this amazing human being, we decided to escape London for the day. no regrets

taylorzakharperez thank you for accompanying me to Devon. happy to know you love the ocean as much as I do, so sorry the day did not end on a sunny note

^ jemmagal i loved every second of it even though it ended up raining on us at the end of the day. let's do it again soon

^ taylorzakharperez for sure. anytime i am free, i'll let you know

^ jemmagal i choose the place next time

^ taylorzakharperez i am ok with that

user66 i am so jealous, you spent the day with an adonis

^ jemmagal can't say he isn't, but there more to him than his "adonis" body

nicholasgalitzine really jemma, really

^ jemmagal yeah, really. i had a really nice time nick, don't ruin it for me, please

^ nicholasgalitzine if he hurts you, i will crush him, do you understand taylorzakharperez

^ jemmagal we are not dating nick, we just spent the day together as friends

^ taylorzakharperez understood nicholasgalitzine

userwhoisspanish hombre es caliente

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Liked by jemmagal, nicholasgalitzine and 545k others

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Liked by jemmagal, nicholasgalitzine and 545k others

taylorzakharperez she never saw me take it, she looked like an angel

jemmagal oh my god, this is beautiful Taylor

^ taylorzakharperez i can send it to you if you want

^ jemmagal yes, please. thank you

^ taylorzakharperez you're welcome beautiful

userwhohasgreeneyes that photo is stunning

^ jemmagal liked this comment

user34 it smells like romance to me

^ userwhoisirish they would look good together

^ user34 totally agree

elliebamber_ i love it so much, gorgeous

umathurman you look so pretty darling jemmagal

^ jemmagal thank you uma

nicholasgalitzine my pretty best friend

^ jemmagal thank you, best friend

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