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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 72k others

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Liked by taylorzakharperez and 72k others

jemmagal we landed in Australia yesterday and we are already out at a sheeps farm. Thank you to thewoolmarkcompany for opening their doors for us and sharing their passion for sustainable farming with us.

userwhoisbritish enjoy your time traveling around the world... i'm kinda jealous

    ^ jemmagal thank you, i consider myself lucky, because Taylor doesn't have to bring me everywhere he travels to,  but he does. I thank him every day for it

user343 handsome boys... talking about the dogs

    ^ jemmagal taylor is also a handsome boy 😂

taylorzakharperez you don't have to thank me, you know that. I appreciate every moment you are with me and i want you by my side as much as i can have you

australia ❤️ 🐑

thewoolmarkcompany Thank you for accepting our invitation and visiting a wool farm

userwhoisaustralian i am all about sustainability, but the prices are not it for me

    ^ jemmagal i totally understand you, i hope sustainable fashion get less expensive in the future

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Liked by userwhoisblonde, user66 and 134k others

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Liked by userwhoisblonde, user66 and 134k others

jemmagal shirtless yet again, he decided to jump in the water in the middle of nowhere on our way to Sydney

taylorzakharperez it was pretty refreshing, don't regret a single second

    ^ jemmagal mad men

staciecarter oh my godd

    ^ jemmagal you can say that i'm not going to argue with you

user22 he's like a merman

    ^ jemmagal I think if he could live in the water, he would

user44 hot damn

     ^ jemmagal i agree with this statement

userwhoisaredhead 🤤

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