Honey, We're Poor

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Zoey's dad was waiting for  his daughter to arrive. His was desk filled with tax papers and cases. He carefully looked through them. He put them down and started pacing back and forth.

Why was he so worried? Let's flashback to two hours before when he received a call from his firm.

"Hey Sam," Hank, Sam's boss, said. " We got a bit of a problem. We have been observed for quite a while now. You haven't been careful about covering up your tracks."

"What are you talking about?" Zoey's dad replied. "I'm always careful. I learned from the best."

"I know after Helen died you needed a way to keep your daughter happy with a life style that overcompensated the death of her mother, but things have got to stop Sam. We are being investigated. Someone tipped off the Feds," Hank said.

"I don't understand," Zoey's dad replied.

"Someone claimed you scammed them in order to steal their money," Hank said. "I'm sorry, but I have to let you go. The bank has frozen all your assets. This is bad publicity the firm does not need. I'm really sorry."

Hank hung up and just like that Zoey's dad started to rummage to all the piles of his client's profiles trying to see where he went wrong. Now let's go back to the present.

He heard foot steps in the hallway and quickly sat down. He looked at the pile of papers on his desk again. He ran his hand through his hair.

Zoey came into his office with shopping bags in her hands. She was very happy. She failed to notice right away that everything was not okay.

"Honey sit down," her dad said as Zoey put down all her shopping bags. Just what he needed: his daughter buying more things she didn't need. He could hear his late wife's voice in his head ' This is all your fault. Look what our daughter has turned into. This wouldn't have happened if I were still alive.'

"Is everything alright daddy? " Zoey asked a bit worried. Zoey's dad snapped out of the trance he was in.

Her dad took a deep breath and started talking, "I don't know how this happened. "

Zoey was getting impatient. She wanted him to get to the point. "Daddy, what are you saying? "

He started rambling, "Zoey, I know I told you that we've always been accustomed to this sort of lifestyle."

Zoey annoyed she couldn't really understand what he was getting at cut him off, "Anyway, now I'll need 5 grand for my prom dress daddy, another grand for the shoes, and an extra 10 for accessories. You know diamonds are rare."

"This very important I need you to listen," her father said almost in a pleading voice. "What I'm trying to say is that I lost all the money. We're broke. "

Zoey chuckled, "Whatever, very funny."

Her dad didn't find any humor in what was going on, "Zoey this isn't a joke. Not everything is--"

Zoey quickly interrupted him "Cut the crap dad, seriously. Geez, ever since mom.. Look, don't ruin the little piece of happiness I have left alright?" She looked at her nails.

"Dammit Zoey!" her dad said as he slammed his hand on the table, "The bank froze our assets, everything's being repossessed, we're broke!"

He paused for a moment. He wanted to see Zoey's reaction. She looked him like he was crazy. He's never yelled at her before. He shook his head feverishly, "We experienced a huge stock market crash. I.. I can't tell you everything."

"How could you do this to me?! " Zoey said as she stood up from her seat. She looked at her shopping bags.

"Excuse me?!" Her dad yelled. "Zoey I know I spoiled you, but I raised you with some GOD DAMN sense! So start acting like it!"

"That was my money! Mine! I have no cars, no shoes, no clothes, no vacations. What about my friends, my boyfriend, my reputation, what will everyone think when they find out th.. Oh my god! My trust fund! MY TRUST FUND!" Zoey yelled before she broke into tears. "How could you do this?! Mom always said you only thought about yourself, and you just proved her right! I'm glad she died because now she doesn't have to deal with scum of the earth like you!"

Just like that his daughter broke his heart. What did he expect? This is how she is.

' See I told you this is all your fault Sam. Why did you raise her to be a monster? I'm glad I'm dead because I couldn't bare seeing this happen.' He heard Helen's voice in his head.

He never really got over his dead wife.

Zoey stomped her foot and stormed out of his office.

"Pack your bags we're moving," her dad yelled hoping she had heard him.

He sat down and started crying. Poor daddy dearest, if only he hadn't raised Zoey to be a brat.

Zoey wasn't always like that. Zoey used to be different back when her mother was alive. She was a sweet girl. Somewhere in the process of grieving and growing up she became a total bitch. But let's be real villains aren't born that way, they are made.

Zoey's dad thinks this is the worst thing yet but what he doesn't know is all his problems are just starting to appear.

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