The End

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Word had been spread that Zoey Scarlette had killed herself. No one could believe that she was dead. There were people who did not care, but those who did wondered why she did it. Then there was Lola, Derrick, and Claire. They knew it had something to do with what Tristan did.

"She wasn't supposed to die," Derrick said as he tried consoling Claire.

"You were the last one of us to see her alive. What did he do?" Lola asked. Although Zoey was never her friend, she didn't want this to happen. She was worried that they would get arrested. It was all her fault. She was the one who convinced the group to trust Tristan. It was just supposed to be a prank on Zoey nothing else.

"She was unconscious. I took her to the room and left her with Tristan," Derrick replied.

"Do you think he... did he rape her?" Claire asked.

" That wasn't the plan," Lola interjected. " He was just supposed..."

"Supposed to what?" Claire asked. Lola knew more than she admitted. If she revealed the truth, she had more to lose than anyone in the group so she just stood silent. Claire had had enough. Even though Zoey was a bitch to Claire, Zoey had always had Claire's back when it came to confronting other people. Claire knew what she had to do, " I'm going to confront Tristan. Zoey killed herself because of whatever he did. Nothing we did was right, Lola. Can't you see? She's dead. Zoey is dead. The cycle must end. She may have been a bully, but we became her bullies and look what happened."

" You'll just make things worst," Lola replied. Lola knew what the right thing to do was, but she didn't have the strength to stand up to Tristan. Whatever he had on her must be big. She decided to stand by his side.

" Derrick?" Claire asked before leaving.

" He gave me the money I need to attend college Claire," Derrick replied. " He's giving me the chance to have a better future. I won't have to be the charity case in college."

" I can't believe you guys are going to stand behind him," Claire replied angrily.

Zoey's death affected everyone differently. Claire was mad at herself, at Tristan, at Lola, and at Derrick. She thought about what to do. How she was going to handle the Tristan situation. She stood up all night long. By morning, she knew she would have to go to the police station and tell them everything. She hoped that they would listen and that she wouldn't be the one to get in trouble.

" I have information on Zoey Scarlette's suicide," Claire told the lady at the front desk of the police station. The lady scanned Claire before picking up the phone. She whispered into the phone and then hung up.

" Please sit down," The lady said pointing to the chairs. " An officer will be down in a short minute."

The officer approached Claire and she got up. He took her to his desk and she told him everything she knew. Part of her thought that maybe Zoey hadn't done it. Hadn't killed herself.

The day of Zoey's funeral had come. Mr. Scarlette was devastated. He looked tired like he hadn't slept for days. There were huge bags under his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot red from crying. Claire came in and sat next to him.

She saw Lola and Derrick walking in as the eulogy was being given. They tried to approach her, but she nodded in order to tell them to leave.

Mr. Scarlette had made the bold choice to have an open casket. After the ceremony, everyone was able to go up and say there last words to Zoey. She looked like she was in a deep sleep. This is the most calm we've ever seen Zoey. Claire was almost scared that Zoey would wake up and grab her while saying ' This is all your fault. How could you betray me? I'm dead because of you.'

"I'm sorry," Claire said as she looked at Zoey. She reached out and touched Zoey's hand. It was stone cold. For a minute Claire thought that maybe Zoey's hand had moved. Claire's guilt was eating her up. She couldn't fall asleep without having nightmares about Zoey. She hoped that in some way she would be able to redeem herself.

She walked down and saw Tristan approaching the casket. He had a red rose in his hand. As Claire walked by him, he gave a slight smirk. He was basking in the glory of what he had done. If you ask me, Tristan is a psychopath who will do anything needed to get what he wants.

Before going up to see Zoey, Tristan stopped by and greeted Mr. Scarlette. Tristan was good at manipulation. He pretended to be distraught over losing Zoey. He even shed a few tears. What an asshole, right?

Once he got up and was in front of the casket, he couldn't hide his joy and smile any longer.

" Nice to see you," he whispered and he leaned over and touched Zoey's cold face. " Have a nice sleep in hell. I bet you didn't see this coming. I brought you a gift to remind you who brought you here. I hope you realized it was me all along."

He placed the rose in her hand. Before turning around and leaving, he hid his smirk. As he was leaving the church, he got tackled by police officers.

"What's going on?" Tristan asked confused as he was struggling to be released.

" You're being arrested for conspiring against Zoey Scarlette," the officer said once he was finally able to handcuff Tristan.

"I didn't do anything," Tristan replied. 

" You have the right to remain silence. Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can't afford one, one will be appointed," the officer responded as he escorted Tristan out to a police car. 

Derrick and Lola started freaking out. They tried to leave, but we're also arrested.

"Claire, what is going on?" Mr. Scarlette asked before an officer came to handcuff Claire.

" I'm sorry." Claire said before being take away. Claire knew this was going to happened. Her only request was to be able to attend the funeral before having to face the consequences. If you ask me, Claire did redeem herself. As she passed by the car Tristan was in, he yelled, "You did this, didn't you?"

Claire tried to ignore him. 

"You're are going to pay for this," she heard him say as the officer motioned for her to get into another car. 

This was the tragic story of Zoey Scarlette. What I hope you've learned from this is that everything isn't what it seems.The world is a very dark place with people who are waiting to see you fall. Stand up to the Zoey Scarlettes in the world, but most important of all don't let the Lolas and Tristans continue the cycle of bullying. Even the Zoeys in the world don't deserve to be bullied. People are not born evil, but are made evil by the experience they have in the world. Think about your actions and words towards others because it might start an undesirably tragic chain reaction.  This was the tragic story of Zoey Scarlette. In the end, someone did stand up for, but it was too late.

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