Rumor Has It

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Zoey had called Claire last night in tears. She didn't want to tell anyone, but she wanted someone to know. Even though she was mean to Claire sometimes, Zoey saw Claire as her best friend. They met freshman year of high school. Claire was a nobody. She was very dorky and wore glasses. Zoey thought she would do some charity and give her a makeover. She took Claire under her wings and made her popular. Of course she had to keep Claire in place sometimes. Claire had to understand who the leader was.

She agreed to meet Claire at school to tell her what was going on. Zoey waited anxiously for Claire to come to the bathroom.

"Promise me that you won't tell anyone," Zoey said as she extended her pinky. Claire looked at her.

"I promise," Claire responded as they pinky swore. " What's wrong? You sounded like you were freaking out on the phone."

"I will kill you if you tell anyone," Zoey said trying to stress the importance of this.

"I won't Zo, I promise," Claire said.

"My dad lost all our money. I don't know what to do. Everything is gone Claire, everything," Zoey blurted out.

"Are you saying you're poor?" Claire said smiling. She tried to hold it back as much as she could.

"Don't say that word!" Zoey exclaimed. "I'm not poor. My dad just lost all his money, I'm sure he'll find it. "

"Wow. How are you going to hide this?" Claire asked.

"I still have money on my credit cards I'm sure so those should keep me up to date with the latest fashion trends," Zoey replied.

"It doesn't work like that Zoey, if your money is gone then--" Claire was able to say before Zoey interrupted her.

"Look Claire, you have no idea what I'm going through and you never will because unlike me you were always and still are poor," Zoey said annoyed. "Ugh, show a little sympathy, Jesus Christ! I never understood why you were always so conceited."

"Whatever Zoey," Claire said as she headed out of the bathroom. She turned around to look at Zoey. "See you in chem?"

Zoey nodded her head and replied, "Yeah, sure."

Claire was heading to her locker when she saw Lola.

" Hey Lola!" Claire said as she signaled for Lola to come to her. "You can't believe what I just heard! "

"Our pre-calc test got postponed? " Lola said as she got closer.

"No, even better," Claire said as she smiled devilishly.

"I don't know what's better than that," Lola said with a fake laugh.

"Queen Bee's lost her hive," Claire answered.

"What?" Lola asked confused.

"Balloon Barbie finally popped," Claire said hoping Lola would get it.

Lola was even more confused, "Huh?"

"The ice queen has thawed," Claire said in a tone begging for Lola to get the joke.

Lola was tired of trying to figure what Claire was trying to say, "What are you talking about Claire?"

"Zoey! .. She's broke." Claire blurted out.

Lola gasped. This wasn't what she was expecting. Part of her felt like she was being punked. She looked around trying to see if Zoey had put Claire up to this. "Nooo,you're joking? "

Claire nodded 'no'.

Just as a way to insure Lola she wasn't lying Claire said, "Nope, she said it herself."

Claire left. What was Lola going to do now with all this juicy gossip. She found the first person she could and told them. Just like that the gossip started to spread. Groups were buzzing about it during lunch:
"Zoey Scarlette. Did you hear she is poor?"

"Rumor has it Scarlette lost all her money."

"No money. No power. Zoey is broke."

"Poor Zoey her dad went broke."

"It's about time Zoey got what was coming to her."

"I kind of feel bad. I never imagined I'd have more money than Zoey Scarlette."

Zoey started to become more conscious of herself. She noticed people looking at her and talking. It wasn't the usual talk. It was like they were taunting her. She felt their whispers. The weird thing is that Lola and Zoey used to be friends. They had a fallout way before Derrick. Zoey always had a fear that someone would want to take her crown away. She wasn't going to let that happen.

Towards the end of the day Lola caught a glimpse of Zoey at her locker and decided to pay her a visit.

"Zohoe," Lola said with a huge smile.

"Lilbitch," Zoey replied.

"How's shopping for prom going?-- Oops! I forgot, you can't shop without any money," Lola said louder trying to draw an audience. She laughed at her own joke, "what do you pay in, IOUs?"

A crowd started to form near them. They started laughing. Zoey wasn't going to have this. She wasn't going to let Lola make her look bad.

"Very funny, I'll make sure to right that one down with my Versace pen and pad set," Zoey said.

"That's sounds totes fetch! If only versace made pen and pad sets! " Lola said.

Everyone laughed at Zoey. She could see them talking about her.

"What a liar," someone said.

"What are you going to do now Scarlette? You don't have any money," someone else replied.

"Your broke! You can't afford it," someone else said.

"What is that? Last month's prada bag? And eww, are those skechers? Newsflash ScarLoser, everything you're wearing should've been buried along with your mother!" Lola said trying to hit Zoey where it hurt. "You're welcome."

Zoey pushed Lola as she was trying to leave. Zoey didn't let the tears escape. But she knew this was going to be just the start to her awful nightmare. Zoey in her state passed by Tristan and bumped into him making his things fall to the ground. He thought about talking to her,but decided on not to do it. He had seen her confrontation with Lola. Zoey didn't even notice him. She just kept on walking.

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