The Letter

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Zoey woke up disoriented in her bed. She couldn't remember anything from last night. Who had brought her home? Maybe she was just overreacting, but something didn't seem right.
She took a shower to freshen up and then started doing her homework.
When she went to grab her textbook, she didn't get a good hold and it fell. She picked it up and an envelope fell out.
Zoey didn't remembering putting a letter in her textbook. She opened it and started reading it. It was terrible. The things the person wrote her, but Zoey couldn't stop reading it. She wanted to know who wrote it.

"Dear, Zoey. I'm writing this because I care about you," she imagined all her friends saying.

"Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn't have given you worse advice," Zoey thought Lola would be the one to say something like this.

" You're an ugly person. Always have been always will be," Claire popped into her head.

"You were so stubborn, uptight and arrogant that no one cared
pause," She saw Lola and Claire taunting her in her mind.

Lola pushed Claire aside. "You're entire life you thought you were so above people."

Lola is not that smart, Zoey thought. She pictured Claire again with a pen and paper writing her this letter," But now you're broke!You deserve everything that's happening to you."

"Now that we're all on the same level You can't stop talking about how deprived your life is. Daddy's little rich girl.I don't even know why you bother to act all innocent.Stop acting like you're God's perfect child," Zoey just couldn't decide on Lola or Claire. They both had a motive. She paused and cleared her head. Her next suspect was Derrick.

"Let me tell you something. You're in for one hell of an awakening.Nobody cares.You have nothing.Everything that is going on right now I get a laugh out of it watching cry and squirm."

She pictured Lola, Derrick, and Claire all conspiring against her, "Go ahead tell them everything you know. Just know that with one click of a button those picture that I'm certain you don't want anyone to see will end up in everyone's phone."

"So how does it feel Zoey to finally have the tables turn on you. I've been watching this whole time and I see everything, In all honesty you have lost every friend you have ever had. Maybe with you out of the picture everything will be fine. After all the advantage of being invisible is that no one will really miss you if you were dead. I know I sure wouldn't at least."

That when she realized it. The day Tristan had stood up for her in front of everyone else. " I guess that's the advantage of being invisible". She kept replaying that moment in her head.

She started to cry. It was like she had lost all hope. She got up and walked to her mirror. She forcefully took off the necklace her mother had given her and threw away. She ripped the pictures of her and the letter and threw them in the trash.

"No matter what I do everyone will hate me," she said as she looked at herself in the mirror. She touched her face like she could change who she was. She picked up one of her perfume bottles and threw it at the mirror. Shards of the mirror fell on the floor. Zoey just fell to the ground in defeat.

She looked at the shards of mirror. Something about them seemed tempting.

" Pick it up Zoey," she heard Tristan say. She looked around. No one was in her room. It was all in her head.

" If you were to die no one would miss you," she heard Tristan's voice in her head. " Just one cut and you'll be gone. No one likes you just do it already. Really thought I loved you after all you did to me. The only thing I love more than seeking revenge is seeing you dead."

" Stop!" Zoey yelled as she closed her eyes. " You're not real! Get out of my head! You're not real!"

She stopped yelling and she stopped hearing his voice. She opened her eyes she saw Tristan with a shard in his hand.

" Do it already," Tristan said as he handed it to her. " Do us all the favor and die!"
She took it and stared at it. In the reflection of the mirror she saw Tristan laughing behind her. She turned around and he disappeared. She couldn't bare to do it. She brought it close to her wrist, but then she hesitated.

" Do you need me to do?" Tristan said.

" You're not real. Get out! Stop it!"

" All you have to do is kill yourself and the voices will stop Zoey," Tristan said.

Poor Zoey. Her father came home and found her laying on the ground. She hadn't slit her wrist, she slit her throat. Her carpet was filled with blood. She killed herself just in time as her daddy had recovered it all. Life is funny that way.

Her father couldn't stop crying. She was the only thing he had left. He had no clue about the conspiracy: how Tristan was behind everything. How Tristan was the one that paid everyone off to keep their mouths shut. Her father didn't even know about the letter since Zoey shredded it up in her break down.

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