Scott Street

127 15 40

Waking up to the sound of my blaring alarm clock was as brutal as it was annoying. Today was going to be my first day at a new school. Where the only people I know were the guys who all hate me.

I grabbed onto my phone, picking it up and turning off my alarm. Immediately feeling satisfaction when the alarm silences. It was six am in the morning and I wouldn't have to go to school for another hour. I rolled over in my bed and placed my phone down onto the bed, pushing my face deep into my pillow.

I yawned, closing my eyes. I really can't sleep in on my first day of school. No matter how much I want to. I've never really liked school, not because I wasn't smart because I was. I've had a 4.0 since my freshman year. It's more because I find it to be absolutely miserable and most of what we learn is truly worthless to the real world.

I opened up my eyes and got out of my bed, rubbing at my eyes. I headed towards my closet in almost complete pitch black. The only light coming through the slightly opened up curtains. Even that small amount of light coming into my room was enough to make me want to wince and go back to closing my eyes.

I grabbed onto the clothes that I had laid out onto an ottoman that was placed in the middle of my closet. I tugged them on, rather slowly I admit. But eventually my whole outfit was done and I brushed through my thick hair, trying my best to tame the mess that was called my hair.

I made my way downstairs with my phone in my hand, going towards the dining room to see everyone already sitting down there waiting for the food to come out. I sat in my spot and looked down at my phone, ignoring the guys.

Elizabeth and Matthew were talking to one another but I zoned it out as I started playing a game that I got on my phone. I looked up, feeling someone's gaze on me and my eyes met Hudson's dark brown eyes.

He instantly looks away from me and towards his phone.

I frowned and looked back towards my phone. The door opens up and Henry comes walking into the room with a platter in his hand.

He places it down onto the table then leaves the room. I waited for everyone to reach for the platter. Only to look up to see everyone was looking over at me, waiting.

I took the hint and put two pancakes onto my plate. Soon after everyone ate their pancakes and it was officially time to leave and go to school.


The car ride was less awkward than what you would've thought. I looked out the window the whole time while the guys were talking to one another.

I sadly didn't get to play my music this time, but I'm sure if I had the guys would've just complained about it the entire time. Men don't appreciate good music. The only music they like to listen to is music about fucking bitches.

I prefer for my songs to have a deeper meaning behind them.

As soon as we got to the school everyone turned our way. Without even leaving the car people were staring.

I can't even say I'm surprised. Even at a school made for the rich the Sinclairs are by far the richest of them all. And I'm sure their looks don't help with the staring. Even if they haven't been the nicest to me I can still admit that they're all really good looking.

Like really good looking. They're all super hot. Absolute 12/10s.

The guys all opened up their doors and got out. As soon as I got out I could feel glares and curious looks on me. Looking up I meet the eyes of a blonde hair, brown eyed girl who was staring me down with a deathly glare.

Caden goes up to her and her glare quickly turns into a smug smirk as she grabs onto his head and pulls him down to her. I turned away from them and started making my way towards the front of the building. I could hear people talking about me on my way inside.

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