My life

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It's been around a week and people are still all up my ass about being a slut. It's been nonstop but now it's been coming from almost everyone. I'm honestly starting to care less and less.

Why should I care about a bunch of people's opinions when they were the ones to judge me so quickly based on a bunch of lies.

I was going through my locker when I felt a hand slam down on the locker beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned around to see a man I've never met before leaning against the locker with his hand as he stared down at me.  

I raised my eyebrow at him as I gave him a questioning look. "Yes?" I asked and he smirked as he pulled a 100 dollar bill out of his pocket. "I heard from a friend that you were willing to do anything for 100 dollars and I've been really wanting to try this one thing it's called-"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him causing him to cut off his sentence. "What?" he asks dumbly. "I'm not sleeping with you for money" he shakes his head looking confused. "Well, you don't have to pay if you don't want to."

Is this guy actually serious? I looked around to see a man on the other side of the hallway giggling as he looked at his friend. "Let me rephrase that I'm not sleeping with you" I tell him as I look back towards him. I closed my locker behind me and walked away, trying my best to not get angry.

It's one thing to be called a slut but it's a whole other thing when someone insinuates, you're a prostitute. As I make my way to class I dont miss as people around me would look my way and start giggling with their friends.

I heard the word whore, slut, and just about every other slut shaming word. I rolled my eyes at all of them. I'm not going to let their words affect me anymore. I have Hannah and Vinnie as my friends here and I really don't need anyone else.

Besides maybe...

As if on cue I make eye contact with Gracie who smiles then makes her way towards me. I haven't seen her much this week but when I did, she had nothing mean to say, and that immediately makes her a potential friend to me.

"Hey girl!" She greets with a smile. I smiled back at her. "Hey" She rolls her eyes when she sees everyone is staring at the two of us.

"How long has this been lasting?" she asks, looking towards me curiously. "All week" I muttered back to her. She once again rolls her eyes then looks towards everyone around us. I made eye contact with the redhead who said I had fatherless behavior and she glared at me lethally.

"Jesus" Gracie whistles. "What'd you do to her? If looks could kill, you'd be six feet under right now" I grimaced as I looked towards her, making her look more interested. "Ooh what did you do? Was it bad? I promise I dont judge" I laughed as I glanced towards the redhead.

"She said I was giving fatherless behavior, so I told all her friends she had a boob job" Gracie cackles as she claps her hands together. "Oh my god that is great" she throws her head back, laughing.

"She definitely deserved that. Who says that about someone?" She asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Bitchy people"

When we passed a particular group of people also known as the guys and Alexis and her minions. They all had given me weird looks as I walked past them and as one does, I flipped them off. Gracie laughed as she grabbed onto my hand and tugged me away.

I laughed and a few seconds later we had gotten to her class. "I'll see you after class!" she says as she quickly pulls me into a hug. I smiled as I brought my arms around her then pulled away. When I was walking to my class I was quickly pulled into a janitor's closet.

"What the fuck?" I asked, seeing nothing but black. Whoever had pulled me into the closet laughs as they turned on a light. The first thing I saw was Jordan's face as he looked down at me with a smile on his face.

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