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As soon as the car parked I practically sprinted out of the car wanting nothing more than to be in my bed. "she's in a rush" I hear one of the guys mutter from behind me as the others laugh. I ignored them as I flung the door open, stepping into the house.

Before I could make my way towards the door Elizabeth ran into the room with a smile on her face. "Oh my god you're finally here. How was your first day?" I smiled up at her. "It was good."

Partially the truth. The day was good but bad at the same time. I made friends but it looks like I've also made some enemies. Or something along those lines but I can name at least a few girls who already don't like me. Getting to see Emma again was the highlight of my day.

Even though it felt nothing like it used to. We used to be super close, as close as two people possibly could be now it just felt... I don't know.

It just didn't feel like us. "That's it? Give me the details!" She demands with an excited look on her face. I laughed as I shook my head. "I saw my old best friend but that's about it" Her eyes widened in shock as she looked down at me. "Who?"

"Emma Phillips" I muttered to her and she looked at me with a confused look. "Emma Phillips?" i dont think ive heard of her before. I shrugged my shoulders and she smiled. "Well then if you ever want her to come over feel free. I already can't wait to meet her" I nodded my head as I smiled. "Will do"

I made my way around her and went up the stairs as I heard her greet the guys. I practically ran after I got off of the stairs. I wanted absolutely nothing more than to go to sleep. It's been too long of a day and there's nothing better than an after school nap.

As soon as I got to my room I changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Then went back to bed, making sure to grab all the blankets I could and pull them over my body. If I don't wake up with half these blankets off of me then I didn't sleep good enough.

Just when I was about to close my eyes I heard my phone go off, I groaned as I reached for it. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw who it was from. Olivia.

I wasn't expecting her to call so soon. I dont blame her for her parents needing me out of the house but I knew this phone call was about to be very awkward, but as I swiped the screen answering the call I held onto hope that It would feel as if nothing had actually changed and we were as we used to be.

"Hey" Olviia mutters into the phone, sounding worried. "Hi," I replied back to her. "Are you mad at me?" she asks, and I shook my head as I frowned. "No I'm not and I'm not mad at your parents either. Make sure they know that I understand why they had to kick me out" I hear as she lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god I thought you were going to hate me." Like I could ever hate Olivia. She's the closest person I could ever consider a friend. "So how's the new life?" she acts, sounding interested.

"I looked up the family you're staying with and oh my god girl. Those sons of theirs are so hot. You have to fuck one of them then set me up with one of the others. Preferably the one with the blue eyes. He looks bat shit crazy and I'm so into it."

I snorted, shaking my head. "As much as I'm rooting for the two of you. He's a complete dick and definitely doesn't like me enough for me to even set the two of you up" Olivia sighs in disappointment and I smile as I shake my head. "Then how's the rest of the rich freaks?"

I laid back down on my bed and closed my eyes. "Awful, just absolutely awful"

"That bad?" she asks and I snorted as I nodded my head. "Saying that bad might be an understatement." I felt as my eyes started fluttering closed. "Can I call you back later?" I asked, feeling the need to sleep coming on stronger. "Yeah let me know if you need anyone to talk to"

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