Til it happens to you

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Jordans POV

I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand. Ignoring the look of offense on this girl's face as I do so. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bore you" she says sounding more annoyed than anything. "Well you did" I grabbed onto her hips and took her off my lap.

August looks towards me with a confused look on his face. "What's wrong Jordan?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders as I looked around the place. "I wanna go home. I'm tired" All my brothers laugh knowing that i'm an almost always tired person.

"We can in a bit we just gotta stay for a little while longer" Keeping up appearances can be a bitch. I groaned as I tilted my head up at the ceiling. Then I looked back towards the dance floor, looking around trying to find the tiny brunette currently taking up residence in my house.

"Where's Aria?" I asked, feeling worry creeping up on me. I don't really care for her and what she does but I don't want anything bad happening to her. Parties like these aren't the best to be at unless you have some kind of weapon on you at all times. Especially for girls.

Caden breaks away from Alexis and looks towards me. "Why do you care?" he asks, raising his eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at him, knowing my other brothers were giving me curious looks. "I don't, I just don't want anything bad to happen to her because of Mom and Dad" Caden nods his head looking like he didn't believe me.

I glared at him then looked away. Fuck him he can believe whatever he wants. Fucking sue me for wanting to make sure nothing bad happens to her. I looked towards Hudson who was frowning as he looked at the crowd dancing. "What are you looking at?" I asked as I followed his gaze to find the girl Aria hangs out with.

She looked panicked as she looked around the place, probably looking for Aria. Hudson turns my way and tilts his head towards the girl. "Let's go look for her. I don't have a good feeling about this"

Knowing his instincts are never wrong I was quick to get up from my spot. Caden takes Alexis off of his lap and she looks pissed as she glares up at him. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Caden rolls his eyes at her as he steps around her. "Don't annoy me today Alexis i'm not in the mood"

August cackles at the hurt look on her face and I couldn't help but to smirk. I don't know why my brother still puts up with her. He doesn't even like her. If it was pussy that he wanted he could get it just about anywhere else.

I walked away from all of them as they started to look for her.

Where would I be if I was a drunk girl? I walked towards the stairs and went up them to the bathroom, opening up the door to see no one had been in there. I frowned and walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

As I looked through the hallway I found her bracelet on the ground. I grabbed onto it and put it into my pocket, feeling more nervous and pissed off.

She would have never taken this off willingly. Every time I've ever seen her she's always had this on. I had asked my mom about it a few days ago and after a bit of teasing she had told me her mom had made it for her.

So what the fuck is it doing on the ground in the middle of a party?

No longer feeling any kind of patience. I opened up a door without knocking, not caring about what I walked in on as long as I found her. I flicked on the light to see nothing but cleaning supplies.

I left and walked towards the next door, opening it up and what I had seen was something that enraged me to a point I didn't know was possible. I closed the door behind me, knowing she wouldn't want anyone to see this.

Aria had been passed out on top of a bed with a man grunting into her ear as he thrusted in and out of her. He had been too distracted raping her that he didnt even notice me open up the door or coming up behind them.

He only noticed when I grabbed onto his neck and threw him off of her. Aria was mumbling something and I looked towards her to see her starting to wake up. "What the fuck?" The man yelled, sounding frustrated.

I looked towards him and he immediately paled. "Oh fuck youre Jordan Sinclair" I ignored him as I grabbed onto my phone and started calling Hudson to get the guys and come down here. I looked back towards the man to see him panicking as he shook his head.

"No no i'm sorry I didn't mean to do it" I glared at him as I walked towards him. He crawled away from me until he was up against the wall. "You didn't mean to stick your small dick into her while she was unconscious?" I asked, watching as he trembled and nodded his head. "It was an accident I swear"

I rolled my eyes at him as I lifted up my knee, hitting it right into the guy's face. He passed out instantly and I looked back towards Aria. Her dress was crumpled up on the ground beside her and I had picked it up to see it split in half.

I took my sweatshirt off of me thankful that despite my brothers teasing I had worn it. I saw as a tear fell down her face and I frowned, wiping it away. "You're okay now, I'm sorry I didn't get here earlier." I whispered to her.

I put the sweatshirt over her head. She tries her best to put it on but struggles a bit, so I helped her as much as I could. I looked on the ground to see her underwear was on the ground. I grabbed it and gave it to her.

I looked away as she tugged them onto her, trying my best to not cross any of her boundaries. "Cmon we're gonna get you home, okay?" she nodded her head and I grabbed onto her, carrying her in a bridal position.

"Wait I need my phone" she whimpered and I looked around the room, seeing it on the nightstand I grabbed onto it and gave it to her. She instantly put it into her pocket.

She buries her face into my chest as she whispers "Jordan?" I hummed as I looked down at her. "Yeah?" I asked, looking into her deep brown eyes. "I still hate you" I smiled as I shook my head at her.

Arias POV

"Yeah I still hate you too," he says, sounding exhausted. I smiled at him as he carried me out of the room. Is it wrong to be embarrassed by the people looking our way? The rest of the Sinclair brothers were heading into the room we were just in and I frowned as I looked towards Jordan.

"What are they doing?" He looked down at me and smiled. "They're bringing him into the police" I nodded my head and put my head up against his chest again, groaning into it. "Everyone is looking at us"

He hummed as he looked down at me. "Don't worry they wont know what just happened theyll just think we fucked. I have the reputation of making girls feel like they can't use their legs after" I scoffed, hitting his chest. He laughed then looked down at me seriously.

"How are you feeling?" I raised my eyebrow at him as he carried me outside of the house, instantly feeling the cold air. "How do you think I'm feeling?" I asked, tilting my head. I looked back towards the house and frowned. "Wait I need to go talk to Hannah'' He still kept walking and I glared up at him.

"Let me down," I demanded. He gives me an annoyed look as he looks down at me. "Text her, but we are going home. She has a ride right?" I nodded my head as I grabbed onto my phone.

Aria: Hey someones bringing me home. Sorry I disappeared. I'll talk to you about it on Monday.

I put my phone back into his sweatshirt pocket, looking up to see he was walking us towards his car. "I got it," I whispered to him. He ignored me as he opened up the door and put me in the car. Shutting the door, then going towards the drivers side and opening it up, then getting in.

I looked outside the window, feeling tears start to fall down my face once again. I couldn't believe something like this happened. "God, I'm so stupid" I whispered to myself.

Wiping away my tears I tried to level my breathing. Closing my eyes I rested my head up against the headrest.

Jordan started driving out of the driveway, and on the entire way home I held back my tears, that were trying desperately to escape.

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