Chapter20:The dragon blood pond

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"My king wake up please wake up." Fukion says. "What is there a meeting?" I ask still half asleep. "No you have to go to school." Fukion says as he lays my clothes out for me. "Ugh I hate school but whatever I'll go." I say as o get up and start to undress and get
Dressed into my school clothes.When I arrive at school I see sophia there standing with Thailer her lips on his I run out of school and back into my house. I leave my stuff at the door step and I run into the woods I run all the way to a place where no one else can go only chosen people are allowed there. The dragon blood pond. The dragon blood pond is a place where the water in the pond is dragons blood. Only the kings and queens of the kingdoms are allowed here and I'm the only one who really come here cause they're to busy with other stuff when my kingdom can handle themselves on there own and if
I have to get involved them it's bad. "Just need to relax here for a bit and clear my head." I say to myself as I jump onto the lily pad in the middle of the pond but if I cripple the water the dragons won't be happy. I think about what my dad said about how we're going to be at war soon with him if I don't join him. But I'm not scared cause I know I can beat the hell army just by myself but the thing that I'm worried about is if my dad wakes him up. If he got woken up during the war the whole heaven kingdom and all of the world would be at sake cause with his power I'll need to really try and fight him. With the six demons I wasn't really trying cause I didn't need to cause I know I could've beaten them with one hand if I wanted to. The reason why I don't try when I fight people is cause if I do I could kill them just by using my eyes cause I have a cruse mark inside me that allows me to use this power called the sukizte and that power is to unlock my demon form and it allows me to control it. "Now boys get him!" I hear someone say in the distance.

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