Chapter 6: the day of chaos

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The day of my mothers death was the day were everything changed I changed everyone around me changed. Who would lead them? Who would take charge? They had no one to take charge for them and they wanted me to do it but I had so many other things going on in my life at the point in time.There was one good thing that my mother gave me after she had died she gave me my sword that she though I couldn't handle when I was younger it's called the sword of souls. This sword contains great power of my mothers soul now and my uncles soul and a soul that I will never speak of again cause it brings great shame onto me. After the funeral they did the royal soul transfer into the sword. After that I had to go to school... Ugh I hate school, the only thing that sucks about it is that I have all my classes with my two crushes and I'm in a group project with them for all those classes. God this week can't get any worse. "Breaking news we've just discovered on who the queen's killer was it was Corbra from the six demons of hell." the tv announces. Rage builds up inside me so much. But I'm in the middle of second period so I don't do anything. "Garrett are you ok?" Kay ask. "Yeah garrett are you ok, you look like you want to kill someone again?"Sophie ask."Im fine." I reply. "Now let's get back to the project." Kat says in her cute but serious voice.Kat will never go out with me, she's a straight A student in every class even though some how I'm still the smartest voted by all the teachers. I feel like they only vote for me cause I'm the prince of heaven and the prince of hell but I don't know. Sophie will never take me back I've tried 5 times already and failed 5 times as always. through out the day Sophie and Kat are with me all day even at lunch which was odd cause they never sit with me at lunch, no one does cause there all scared of me
I think even still I get picked first for every thing and get voted most popular I don't even know how I think it's just a fear factor thing but anyways at the end of the day I walk home alone and when I get there he's waiting at my door. "So nice to see you again remember me garrett your moms killer."

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