008, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8.

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 8, Marrying Mason.

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Word count; 1421.
Warning; sexual stuff?
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Opening the front door, Mason held Tracy by his side while Evie and Jada were clinging together like koalas and walking behind them. "I found her, mom." Mason stated, letting go of his sister. Jandra just let go of Evue and was ready to ask Mel a question but couldn't due to Tracy interfering. "Oh, you got it." Tracy sighed, sounding disappointed. "Uh, yeah. Trace, I got that game you wanted, finally." Brady exclaimed, leaning back into the beanbag chair. Tracy slowly picked up the cards from the game and roared loudly. "I'm a lion!" She shouted, chucking the card every where on the floor.

"Tracy, Tracy! Come on." Mel said, looking down at the cards lying on the floor. "You hounded me for two weeks for this damn game." Mel stated, getting annoyed and angry with her daughter. "Oh jo, I haven't." Tracy said, her and Evie walking to her room while Jada stayed behind. "Hey, Mel? Could I have a shower? I'm very cold." Jada shyly asked, not sure if it was the right time ti ask it. "Yea, sure sweetie. Mason, could you please get Jada some towels?" Mel asked her son, snapping him out of his trance if looking at Jada.

"Sure. Follow me, I will show you the bathroom." Mason told her, walking towards where it was located. "Thanks." Jada replied, grabbing the towels Mason handed her. Walking into the bathroom, Jada shut the door and locked it because she wanted some privacy. Undressing from her wet and sticky clothes, Jada turned the water into warm before standing under it. Picking up a bottle, Jada read it to make sure it was the right one, when in fact it was the right one, body wash.

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"I really haven't." Tracy told Evie, closing her bedroom door. Evie ended up lying on Tracy's bed, singing Itsy Bitsy Spider but in her own way. "Itsy Bitsy Spider, dropped acid at the park." Evie sang, her fingers walking up her stomach. "Evie, I think-I think my nose is melting off." Tracy started, not being able to feel her nose as none of them noticed Jada wasn't in the room with them. "You want me to ground you?" Mel questioned, opening the door while Tracy undid her top to change.

"Yeah, you're gonna ground me." Tracy responded, looking around the room to find Jada wasn't with them. "You know you're not allowed out after dark." Mel reminded, but was cut off by her daughter. "Mom, god! Can't I have any privacy?" Tracy asked, hiding her body being her dresser. Mel just looked confused, wondering why Tracy was doing that. "What, I'm not allowed to see your body anymore?" Mel stuttered out, being puzzled and confused because it was normal and now it wasn't.

"No, you're not." Tracy told her, turning her body around so that her back faced her mother. "We'll, after he leaves we'll talk." Mel told her, turning around and walking out of Tracy's room. "If he leaves." Tracy muttered, remembering what happen to Brady before. Tracy just glared holes at her mother, before closing her bedroom door shut and going back to getting changed.

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After finishing the shower, Jada was nice and a warm. Going to thank Mel, Jada was glad she took a shower because she thought she would catch a cold other wise. Opening the door, Jada found Tracy there. "Hi, Trace. You scared me." Jada told her, holding the towel around her so it didn't drop. "I had a shower, I will be in your room soon. I'm just gonna thank your mom." Jada explained, walking past Tracy and walking into the living room. "Ms Freeland?" Jandra asked, looking around to see if she could spot the older lady.

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