027, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 27.

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 27, aren't my drugs.

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Word count; 1220.
Warnings; swearing and
mention of drugs and alcohol.
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Tracy's breathing was ragged as she walked out of the bathroom. "Tracy." Evie stated, making her presence known to the girl. "What the hell?" Tracy asked, not understanding what was happening. Evie just pulled her in for a hug, feeling sorta bad about what she was about to do to her and Jada. "They found my stash, and I had to tell them." Evie explained, pulling away from the small hug. "I love you, okay? And Jada as well." Evie told her, steadying herself to look Tracy dead in the eyes.

"Your my girl, remember that." Evie exclaimed, regretting her decision and sadness was displayed on her face as she spoke. "I love you." Evie mumbled again to Tracy, pulling her in front another hug. "Come in, let's go." Evie said, as she turned around and walked back into the lounge room. Evie just sat in a single chair, as Tracy sat in the arm part of it. Evie just lied her head on Tracy's shoulder, as Brooke became stressed out from the situation. Brooke looked at Evie in her eyes, tipping a box filled with types thing onto the coffee table.

Mel eye's widen as they fill up with tears, looking at the contents which were drugs, money and small drinks. "Tracy." Mel whispered, looking down in disappointment and disbelief. "What?" Tracy asked, seeing her mother shred tears. "None of that shits mine!" Tracy lied, shaking her head no. "We found it." Mel muttered, looking in Tracy's direction. "What? Speak up, mama cause I can't hear you!" Tracy shouted, looking at Jade, who had walked back in a sat in between Mel and Brooke.

"Do not talk to your mother like that." Brooke stated calmly, tears in the bay of her eyes as well. "She said, we found it, stashed in your bedroom." Brooke explained, as Jana looked confused and looked at the table then her face changed to one of worry. "All your little hiding spots." Brooke continued, as Jada and Mel went speechless. "Jesus, Evie." Tracy stated, pushing herself away from the Zamora girl. "Tracy, I stopped hanging out with you because I didn't want you doing this stuff." Jada admitted, a million questioned running through her mind all at once.

"I had to. You don't get it." Evie told her, as Tracy looked betrayed by Evie. "Oh, no, I get it." Tracy told her, as Jada looked worry for Tracy because she was so kind. "And who the ruck do you think you are, going into my room?" Tracy yelled towards Brooke, as Jada still couldn't get her head around things. "You're lucky I got there before the cops did, honey." Brooke told her, as Jada looked scared by the situation at hand. "Hey, I'm just tryin' to help you, sweetie." Brooke manipulated, trying to calm Tracy down.

"Helping? Helping! Helping would be; taking the drugs away and not calling the fucking police!" Jada screamed, getting up and walking away from Brooke because it seemed like she was causing more damage then helping. "How do you explain $860 in your purse?" Mel asked, holding onto Jada's hand as she saw that Jada was really trying to help unlike Evie, who made it worse. "What do you expect me to say, mom?" Tracy questioned, starting to cry because she thought her and Evie were friends.

"We jacked it, okay?" Tracy remarked, as Mel wiped her own tears away. "It's not lie, your broke ass ever has any money to give me." Tracy bit back, as Evie and Brooke were communicating with each other through their eyes. "Mom, when Brady went to the halfway house, what happened to our phone, our cable?" Tracy asked, walking up ti her and Jada while looking at Mel straight in the eyes. "You didn't even know how to pay the bills." Tracy told her, as Mel started ti cry more which made Jada squeeze her hand in comfort.

"It's no wonder Dad didn't want to be with you." Tracy stated, getting angrier by the minute. "You didn't even finish high school." Tracy exclaimed, stomping back to her original spot. "We don't have extra stuff but we're doing okay, Tracy. You know we're doing okay." Mel told her, squeezing Jada's hand back ti tell her she was okay but she truly wasn't. "You don't have to steal, Trace." Java told her, finally getting back into the conversation. "Mom, you knew what was going on with all those clothes and shit!" Tracy screamed, not knowing who she could trusts any more.

"Christ, you're not that dumb are you?" Tracy questioned, tears in her eyes beginning to pool at bay as she yelled more. "I didn't know it went that far!" Mel admitted, repositioning herself on the couch as her hand covered her mouth in shock. Tracy just shook her head, as Mel started ti sib in the couch with Jana trying to comfort her. Brooke just got up off the couch, grabbing her bag as Jada sent her glares in disgust because she looked up to Brooke but now she fucking hated her.

Brooke just walked up to Evie, caressing her hair as if Evie was in pain but Tracy was the one in pain. "We'll be moving up to Ojai, so you won't be seeing Evie again." Brooke explained, as Java continued to glare daggers at the pair. Hearing this Tracy turned her head, to face the two. "Ever." Brooke established, looking at Tracy and Mel because she did like Jana. "You're really cruel, Tracy." Brooke stated, seeing as Mel had stopped crying for a bit. "I mean, I'm sure you can be a sweet kid when you want to but right now you're a really bad influence." Brooke went on, as Jada looked upset at her.

"She didn't do shit! She's so nice and kind, and cares about everyone. This is why I stopped hanging out with you, Evie. Tracy helped me to stop smoking and now I have people to fucking care about too!" Jada shouted, knowing Tracy Freeland is such a kind and caring person, and she was so fun to be around because she actually cared about what you had to say. "I mean you cheat, you lie, you steal and Java you were so nice, but now you're cruel just like her." Brooke finished, seeing as Evie held a hurt look from her aunt's words because she loved Jada with her heart.

"Oh, my gos! Are you kidding me? Where do you think I learned all this shit from?" Tracy screamed, walking away and out of the room and into the kitchen. Mel just got off the couch, leaving Jada, Brooke and Evie behind in the living room. "Evie, first you give my brother head and them you ruin Tracy's life! I fucking hate you! I wish we were never friends!" Java screamed, tears coming out of her eyes as she also got off the couch and followed behind Tracy and Mel. "Tracy was okaying Barbie's before she met Evie, Jada did nothing wrong!" Mel shouted, as Brooke and Evie followed them into the kitchen.

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Author note;
Nearly finished! And oh my god!
I'm so sad this book is nearly finished!



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