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[dedicated to Niall_Irwinx for figuring out at least part of the plot before everyone else. I will tell you that you're not exactly right ;)

So basically I was in the car with my dad and I had my iPod plugged in to the speakers and I was playing Social Casualty at a pretty low volume. So when my dad eventually heard the song on the radio he turned the volume up all the way and started air drumming and when I tried to turn it down he slapped my hand away and said "shut up its Calum's part!" Basically my dad's a Calum girl


After school I waited for Ashton on the front steps with my skateboard in hand. We had decided we wanted to hang out at my house since something had come up and his family wasn't in town until tonight.

After everybody was out the doors and only a few people were exiting at a time I saw Ashton wheeling his way out with the door held by some girl. I smiled and waved and he finally noticed me, so he carefully wheeled his way down the ramp on the side of the stairs.

"Hi." He smiled. I greeted him and politely carried his bag for him, which was sitting on his lap. He looked surprised, but blushed when instead of walking beside him I started pushing his wheelchair for him. "Oh. Thanks I guess." He said awkwardly, covering his face cutely behind the sleeves of my large flannel he had borrowed this morning.

We walked down the block together talking about anything and everything and eventually I had to bring up the important topic I have to tell all the people I bring to my house.

"So basically my parents are really strict when it comes to my friends." I sighed when we reached the bus stop. "They don't really care what class someone is in or anything like that- but they have a hard time accepting people who are different."

Ashton frowned and messed with his sleeves. "Are you saying they won't like me?" He asked meekly.

"No no no. That's not what I'm saying at all." I assured. "What I meant was that they're still in denial about my being gay but they're completely in the dark about the whole smoking deal. I'm just saying- be careful what you say around them. They'll most likely take it the wrong way."

The boy in the wheelchair frowned even deeper. "They sound like jerks." He finally concluded when the bus was pulling up to the two.

I laughed. "Basically."


"How far out here do you live, Jesus Christ?" Ashton laughed when we were walking- or, wheeling up the front walk of my house.

I smiled at him while unlocking the huge front door. "Nope. Not Jesus. Just Luke."


I awkwardly held the door open with one foot while I helped Ashton through the door. When the door closed I remembered to lock it tightly and stick my spare key in the side table next to the door.

"I guess they're not home. We can just hang out if you'd like." I suggested. Ashton nodded and followed after me when I led him through the huge entryway. After realising I should probably wait behind so Ashton could catch up, I stepped to the the side and waited until he was next to me so I could walk behind him and push his chair. Upon realising what I was doing, he smiled and thanked me quietly. I had a strange urge to kiss his cute dimpled cheeks.

"We should probably go upstairs." I said with a little bit of an awkward tone.

Ashton nodded. "We should."

By the time we got to the spiral staircase, though, there was a bit of a problem.

"Oh shit." I mumbled. "There's no other way up."

Wheels || Lashton (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now