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[whoop whoop that's the sound of an update]

Ashton and I spent the rest of the day walking around talking and laughing about anything and everything. At one point Ashton bought a Ring Pop from a machine in the drug store and dared me to propose to random strangers on the street and the more yeses I got the more "awesome points" I earned.

We walked through the small craft store on the corner across from the coffee shop we originally started our day at. I gasped happily and pulled Ashton to the side when seeing a place to make art with random things in a bin.

"Close your eyes and don't peak." I demanded at the small boy in a playful tone.

Ashton gave me a "yeah, yeah" but reluctantly closed his eyes too.

I giggled quietly and picked up two pieces of wire. I grabbed the glue gun and a handful of flowers and vines and started glueing and weaving the flowers and vines together onto both pieces of wire. When I was finally done I blew on the glue to make it dry faster before telling Ashton he could open his eyes.

Ashton gasped and covered his mouth with a pale blue sweater paw. "You made this for me?" He asked, taking one of the hand made flower crowns in his tiny hand. [haha I made a joke. Ashton with small hands? Yeah sure.]

I nodded eagerly. "Since you like them so much I thought I could make you one since, like your old one is kinda faded and, you know. I also thought you'd like a hand made one since you're really into art and stuff." I explained shakily. I didn't know whether or not he would like it that much. The work was kind of sloppy and some of the flowers weren't exactly on right, so I didn't really have high hopes for his reaction.

"I love it." He said almost above a whisper. "You did an amazing job. I mean, why make fun of something if you can't do better? The flowers are so beautiful and-"

"They match your eyes." I breathed unknowingly.

Ashton blushed. He took the crown off his head that he was originally wearing and placed the new one atop his curly locks.

I smiled and took the one I'd made for myself off the table. I carefully set it on top of my own head and smiled down at Ashton.

"You look gorgeous, like the princess you are. And you deserve a beautiful crown only fit for a princess." I said in a soft tone.

Ashton giggled and touched a blue flower on my crown. "Yours is adorable too. You look like a prince."

I knelt down on the floor across from him smiling. "Your prince." I gently placed my hand on his soft cheek.

I felt like I had small butterfly's wings batting in my stomach and my toes seemed to go numb. I didn't really know what was going on, but goddamn I didn't want it to stop.

I always thought in movies it was totally cliche for someone to describe something as "the whole word stopping" but for me I definitely experienced it. Nothing around the small bubble sounding Ashton and I seemed to matter anymore. It all faded away until all I could see was Ashton in front of me and suddenly I didn't really care about anything else except him, and I didn't really mind.

My eyes kept flickering between his eyes and his lips and I just couldn't seem to decide which was more beautiful. I could feel the space between us growing smaller and smaller until I could feel his breath ghosting against my own lips. My right hand somehow had made it's way from my own side to resting on his disfigured hip but I couldn't feel my fingers to place exactly where my hand actually was.

The space was still slowly getting smaller and smaller until it was nonexistent.

When Ashton's lips crashed against my own it felt like my entire reality was being shattered. The burning feeling in my chest was back again but this time it was a white hot heat making my heart pound and my blood rush.

Ashton's lips slowly started to move along with my own once he had gotten the hang of these close quarters. It felt right, like I was meant to be here. The pace was prefect and slow and it felt so raw I could burst into tears. His eyelids fell closed after a few seconds, as did my own, and my hands found their home around his thin waist while his own wound around my neck pulling me impossibly closer.

Sadly, the kiss had to end, almost too soon for my own liking. We slowly pulled away from each other, almost like we were waiting for the other to end it so we wouldn't have to.

Ashton let a small sigh escape his slightly swollen lips as his eyes slowly flutter open. "That was-"

"Wow." I finished for him.

"It was my first kiss." He mumbled into my neck. "And it was amazing."

I pressed a light kiss on his cheek, letting my lips linger a few seconds after.

"We practically made out in the middle of a store." He laughed.

I smiled and was soon laughing along softly with him. "Could you imagine if someone, like, an old lady saw us?"

"Let them watch." I mumbled into his ear.


We left the craft store in a fit of giggles when finding out a mother and her daughter were just on the other side of a bookshelf. We were so close to being caught that we couldn't help the giggles that escaped our mouths when thinking about how just damn close we were to being thrown out of a craft store for making out next to the barrels of beads.

I pushed Ashton's wheelchair slowly down the sidewalk as we both took in the scenery around us. We were nearing a park that I hadn't been to before, and by the looks of it, there wasn't many people there.

"Let's go over to one of those trees by the pond." Ashton suggested quietly. I nodded with a smile and walked the both of us through the quiet park to the trees by the large pond.

I stopped next to one of the shady trees facing the water and collapsed down on the ground.

I heard Ashton mumble something among the lines of. "Can I lay with you?"

I smiled and picked him up, placing his down on the ground next to me. He buried his face cutely into the front of my shirt, smiling into the soft fabric.

"I really like you." He said after a while of silence. "I've liked you for a while now, actually."

"I like you too." I answered back.

He broke into a shining grin. "Really?" He asked excitedly.

I nodded as I brushed a lock of curly hair out of his eyes. "Yes, really. You're funny, smart, beautiful, artistic, talented, and most importantly; you put up with me." I said softly. "What's not to like about you?"

"A lot of things." He frowned.

"Name one." I challenged with a playful smirk.

He sighed. "I can't walk. I can't keep up with you and I'm sure one day you'll get tired of lugging me around all the time and leave."

"But I won't get tired of you. I know I won't. And you know why?" I asked softly. I received a small shrug in return. "Because I can't keep up with you. You're so outgoing that I'm the one chasing you around. I promise one day you'll be travelling the world and I'll be right behind you following your lead."

He seemed to agree with me. The silence in his answer told me so. Instead we watched ducks swimming on the pond while the wind gentle breeze blew the red leaves on the trees above us. The rustling sound and the sound of our own breathing was the only sound we could hear while we were trapped in that moment. The park was deserted and we were all alone for once. There wasn't any weird baristas or mothers and their daughters to interrupt us in the moment.

"Can we do that again?" Ashton asked quietly.

I quirked an eyebrow at him in slight confusion. "Do what?" I asked with a quiet voice. It felt like we weren't speaking loudly for fear of breaking the silence.

"The kiss." He blushed.

Who was I to refuse?





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