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[hey y'alls]

Weeks after the incident at Ashton's house went by and Ashton went to a lot more doctor's appointments than usual, and I stopped going to his house every Friday.

I had to stop spending so much time with Ashton if something happens. Besides, every time I went over his mum would glare at me and tell me to leave him alone more often.

I noticed that since Ashton and I stopped hanging out there's been a few people who've been picking on Ashton. One of them being Jackson, one of my old dealers. This must have been his great plan to get me to buy from him again; mess with the people I care about until I can't take it anymore. But I don't care. I keep telling myself. I can't care.

Michael had been dropping by more often, most of the time to drive the both of us to a dank bar near the college campus where he could sneak me in with a fake ID almost every night. There I would mostly try to drink my feelings away, since cigarettes are obviously out of the question now.

Michael and I started to hang out a more often. Alcohol became my substitute for smoking and going out on Fridays turned into going out almost every night. He introduced me to a few of his friends, more people he met at college. One of them, Calum I think his name is, seems to take a liking to Michael quite a lot.

"I'll drive." A drunk Michael said as he stumbled on the sidewalk towards the car.

"I think I'll take those." I said, grabbing the keys from his hand. I was the designated driver so I had to wait until the next day to drink when we went out again. Michael mumbled a 'hey' before throwing up in a bush.

An even more drunk Calum giggled and clung to Michael's arm. "We call the back seat." He said with a cigarette hanging from his lips.

We climbed into the car, Calum and Michael collapsing in the back, giggling. I started up the engine, jumping at the sound of loud music playing from the radio.

"Turn this up!" Michael yelled, leaning over the front seat and cranking up the volume. We drove down the road, metal music blaring from the open windows, speeding though stop signs and red lights.

We were driving past the particularly poorer part of town, close to Ashton's house. I cringed at the old memory but pushed down the pain and kept driving.

"What's going on up there?" Calum asked, pointing to a house where ambulances and squads were parked on the street and lawn. There were sirens and lights flashing and a stretcher on the lawn.

I pulled over and nearly jumped out of the car, tearing across the lawn and tripping over my own feet.

"You have to tell me what's going on." I demanded an emergency medic, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Sir you've got to calm down-"

His own sentence was interrupted by medics rushing out of the house with a stretcher, yelling orders at each other and preparing the ambulance. My eyes stayed glued to the stretcher and my feet stayed planted on the ground. I was staring at one person in that crowd, the person on the stretcher. Ashton.

[short but I'll update soon]

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