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[That moment when a song you didn't know existed at the time somehow fits perfectly with the story you wrote before the song was even released. *cough* she's kinda hot *cough*

Luke looks so fluffy when he's tired.]

"Wake up wake up wake up!" Ashton giggled, practically jumping on top of me to get me to wake up. "It's a beautiful Thursday! The sun is shining! The birds are- Jesus Christ! What crawled in your mouth and died to cause such horrid morning breath!"

I groaned and rolled over on the bed, making a blanket burrito out of myself before falling on the floor with a muffled 'oof' followed by a few curses.

"Get up." Ashton giggled, shoving my shoulder. "My mum made pancakes again and I can't miss it for a second time."

"Do I have to?" I whined, snuggling into my blanket burrito. "This is comfy."

"But I need help getting up." Ashton pouted with a glare in my direction. He threw his arms dramatically in the air and fell forward on his face on the mattress. "You can't just leave me here when there's pancakes just a room away waiting to be eaten!"

I sighed and untangled myself from the blankets. "The things I do for you." I fake-scowled.

Ashton shoved my shoulder playfully with a lighthearted giggle and an eye roll. "You weren't saying that last night when your tongue was practically down my thro-"

"Ashton!" Harry pounded on his door and yelled through the wood. "Mum says you have to get out here right now or you'll miss pancakes again!"

I quickly untangled myself out of the sheets at the mention of food and jumped to my feet. "My food box is empty! I can't function without food!" I yelled, throwing myself onto Ashton's bed again.

"I guess you'll miss out in pancakes then." He teased. "And I need help out of bed."

I groaned and rolled out of bed, finally. "Alright. C'mere." I said groggily.

Ashton lifted his arms and giggled as I lifted him up and set him down in his wheelchair. "Race you to the kitchen!" He yelled and took off out the door and down the hall. I smiled fondly and walked at a normal pace down the hall.

By the time I got to the kitchen Ashton was already sitting at the table stuffing his face with strawberry pancakes. "Youwr so swoh!" He mumbled through a mouthful of pancakes. I took a seat next to him, picking at the hem of my shirt.

I smiled at the adorable boy and took a mental picture of this moment. I could almost picture a Polaroid with the caption; "the day Ashton drowned himself in pancakes."

"Stop staring. You're creeping me out." He snapped his fingers in front of my face. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes to keep myself from staring off into space again. "There we have it." He murmured. "Oh! Wait! Could you grab my pink flower crown from my bedside table?"

I silently nodded and got the flower crown from his room, quickly coming back into the kitchen where Ashton was trying (really honestly trying) to reach up to the counter to set his plate down. He sighed and turned around, gasping when seeing me standing behind him smiling fondly from the doorway.

"Luke, c'mere." He said with furrowed eyebrows. "You look terrible. Did you sleep last night?"

"Yeah I did." I frowned. "What's wrong?"

"You look really tired." He mumbled. "And a little sick looking."

That's the cancer. I thought. I've been living with it for so long, the long term effects are just starting to hit me.

Ashton placed a soft gentle hand on my cheek. "Just tell me if something's up. Kay?" He asked worriedly.

"Kay." I promised, kissing him on the forehead quickly. "Let's go get dressed so we can get to school."


"Alright class!" Miss Jameson said loudly, getting the attention of the whole art class. "The projects are due today, so if you need to, you can get together with your partner and start scrambling in these last five minutes to make a quick art project because you've been slacking all week. Everyone who's finished just turn in your portfolios to my desk later."

The class remained silent, looking expectantly at Miss Jameson for any further instruction. "What are you looking at? I know for sure it's not because I'm strikingly beautiful. Keep doing you. The rest of class is free period." She laughed.

Five minutes later the bell was ringing and people piled out the doors. Ashton and I handed in our portfolios with everyone else.

"Luke and Ashton. Could you stay behind really quick?" Miss Jameson asked once we were the last people leaving the room due to Ashton's wheelchair. "I just need to talk with you for a second."

"Is something wrong?" Ashton asked, tugging the sleeves of his sweater.

"Actually it's the exact opposite." She laughed lightly. "I was just looking over the projects and I saw a few things in your drawings that everyone else's lack."

She pulled our two drawings out of the stack and laid them on the table. "Your pieces have so much more personality and depth, and Ashton, I could feel the pain in your drawing. It's like the two of you have known each other for a lifetime to make artwork with so much understanding and harmony with each other. You two obviously have a relationship that none of the other groups have. I guess my whole point in asking this is that I would love if the two of you entered in this year's art competition instead of having only one volunteer."

"We would love to!" Ashton blurted out.

"Great!" She smiled, handing us the projects back. "The prize is five thousand dollars."

Five thousand dollars. Roughly the cost of my cure. Also the cost of Ashton's.

[as you can tell I made up the prices

Got any predictions?


Don't worry I'm not killing any odd off until the sequel. Where I can lull you into a false sense of security then rip the carpet right from under you and shatter your feels everywhere like the heartless demon I am]

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