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[I'm going to be at band camp for the the whole week in the afternoons until Thursday so updates will be in the evenings from four

This filler is kind of inspired by Onision's video with Greg and Shiloh. It was just so damn adorable when Shiloh kept asking for Greg in her sleep and her cute little scrunch face every time he said hey awweeeeee I'll attach the video to the update if it works. Shiloh is making this adorable/funny sad face in the thumbnail. If you can't see the video it's called "Shiloh is beautiful" by Onision aka my bae]

The next day I woke up to Ashton clinging to the front of my shirt with tear tracks down his cheeks from his dark eyes. The sheets around us were kicked all the way down to the end of the bed, revealing our tangled legs. He shivered a few times in his sleep before I decided to retrieve the covers back from the end of the bed. The hard task was untangling Ashton's arms from my torso as I moved the covers back over our bodies.

I looked over at the clock and sighed when seeing it was three in the morning.

As I was moving the covers back up, Ashton stirred in his sleep and reached his arms out to where I was originally laying next to him. He frowned deeply when not feeling my body next to his and searched around again. I smiled fondly when watching his tiny frame curl up into itself when not finding me. He was so unbelievably tiny it was impossible to comprehend. He was at least four foot maximum.

"Lukey." He mumbled in his sleep, reaching his arms out again to find my warm presence. "Where is?" He sniffed like he was about to cry. "Don't leave."

I quickly moved back to my spot and moved the warm covers back over us before wrapping my arms back around Ashton's waist. He happily wrapped his arms around me and pushed his legs between mine for more comfort.

"I'm right here. I didn't leave." I said softly. I could feel my throat tickling like a cough was coming on, but pushed the feeling away for fear of coughing and startling the small boy beside me. He smiled in his sleep and cuddled into my chest, which, in turn, made me smile.

I saw that the tear tracks on his cheeks were sticky and looked uncomfortable and annoying every time he scrunched up his face, so I reluctantly untangled our limbs again and stumbled to the bathroom through the dark so I could get a damp washcloth to wipe them away.

By the time I got back, Ashton was confused again and was searching around for me. He had found the warm spot where I was laying and was curling into the pillow while whimpering my name over and over. I sat down on the edge of the bed and rolled Ashton over to face me so I could dab the warm cloth of his soft cheeks and wash the tears away. He flinched at first contact, but was soon leaning into my touch and smiling adorably in his sleep.

When I was done with the cloth, I rushed back to the bathroom and put it on the sink before rushing back and sighing in relief when Ashton didn't even notice I was gone. Climbing back into bed, I felt the shorter boy automatically cling onto me and snuggle into my warm body heat.

I smirked when an idea formed in my head. It wasn't that nice of an idea, but I wanted to experiment with something. I slowly untangled Ashton's limbs from mine and moved to the other side of the bed, and watched as Ashton reached out again to find me. When he couldn't, he stuck out his bottom lip in a pout and called out "Lukey" in a small voice. I quickly moved back and saw his pout change into a grin that made his dimples pop and his eyes crinkle in an adorable way.

I smirked and moved away again and watched Ashton's face twist back up into an almost pained expression as he reached out yet again. I stayed away a little longer to see his reaction, and instead moved a pillow in my place to see if he would cuddle the pillow. Instead of being happy again, he pushed the pillow away and whimpered my name over and over again until he sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"Lukey." He called out in his sleep. "You promised."

I took that as my cue to wrap my arms around him and let him happily sleep in my embrace for good. He sighed and nuzzled cutely into my bare chest before mumbling my name over and over about eight times in a row.

"I love Lukey." He whispered almost inaudibly. "So much."

My heart almost stopped when he said this. Even though it could be completely platonic, he still said he loved me.

He smiled I'm his sleep and continued to babble on and on about loving me 'so so so much.'

"I also love strawberries." He mumbled. He was obviously just rattling off random things now.

I brushed it off as a simple thing he said subconsciously and instead closed my eyes and focused on getting back to sleep. I fell asleep for the second time with Ashton mumbling incoherent sentences in his sleep while I mindlessly playing with his unruly hair.

[I thought you guys deserved some fluff and a small filler

This literally got pulled right off the top of my head when I got so many notifications about votes

Thoughts on Ashton talking in his sleep?

How about him telling Luke he loved him?

Do you think it was a random thing?

Question of the chapter; what's your favorite scented candle

My answer; cupcake mix from Yankee Candle]

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