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[dedicated to starshipsash and pashdash for the nice messages and all the koala comments XD your usernames both sound really similar I thought you guys were the same person for a second! Go follow them and give them big loves be side they're awesome and also because I said so!

I came up with this idea when I was on a long car ride whilst dancing to Britney Spears and yelling Green Day lyrics out the windows at strangers on motorcycles. I'm pretty sure half the cyclists in the state know all the lyrics of Holiday by heart thanks to the midget girl with firetruck hair screaming out the window of a minivan.]

The next morning I woke up to Ashton resting on my chest snoring loudly. This seems to be a common theme. I thought. I didn't bother waking him. We had at least two hours until school started anyway and it wasn't a long walk. So, I let Ashton sleep, and cringed at the drool on my shoulder.

He slept for at least ten more minutes before he started to stir and his breath hitched before he cracked open one eyelid and stared up at me for a second.

"Morning." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

I cleared my throat as I buried my face in the pillow. I felt like I could sleep for hours.

"How are you doing." He whispered, putting a gentle hand on my throat. "You scared me a lot last night."

"'M fine. Just tired. You should skip school with me today." I suggested. "We could go out to this coffee shop I went to before."

Ashton mumbled something in coherent among the lines of "I don't know-"

"Please?" I begged. "I'll pay and let you get whatever you want."

He sighed and buried his face sleepily in my chest. "If they don't have hot chocolate I'm gonna loose it."


With much protest from the both of us, we eventually had to drag ourselves out of bed to get dressed.

I obviously hadn't brought any extra clothes with me, so Ashton tossed me a shirt his cousin left in the bottom of his closet. When I'd asked about jeans he replied; "Sorry 'bout that giraffe legs. Wear yesterday's jeans. In case you haven't noticed I'm not exactly on the tall side."

I grumbled a few choice words under my breath, but wore the jeans anyway.

Ashton was dressed quite cutely for some reason. He decided to wear blue skinny cuffed jeans and an army green shirt. He stole a jumper I had left in my bag, but didn't notice it was even there until Ashton was smiling smugly at me from across the room.

I looked around at the photos on Ashton's desk as he got dressed. He still didn't want me to peak every time he got dressed in front of me. I saw the normal family photos and random tickets to fairs and movies tacked up on the walls as well as posters and drawing, but one item on his dressed caught my eye. It was a small, thin ring of gold metal with vines twisting in and out of loops and braids with pale pink flower and green leaves adorning the ring.

"What's this?" I asked quietly, picking up the crown.

Ashton blushed furiously and snatched it from my hands. "It's nothing. I haven't worn it in forever-"

"You're wearing it today!" I announced, taking the flower crown from his hands an placing it delicately on his tiny head. "I now pronounce thee- Princess Ashton."

Ashton blushed when looking in the mirror. "I look stupid." He mumbled into his sweater paws.

"You look adorable." I corrected.

Ashton snorted. "Your gay is showing, Lucas."

"Lets go, princess." I laughed and helped Ashton down the hallway.

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