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I got a pocketful a pocketful of sunshine if you talk shit imma hit you with that gunfire! BANG BANG LITTLE BITCH POCKETFUL OF SUNSHINE

Important note at the end regarding my week long hiatus.

I wrote this whole thing in one sitting you better be happy]

"Shitfuck!" I cursed loudly when falling off my skateboard and sliding on my side down the ramp I was attempting to jump.

I picked myself up off the ground, wincing at the pain in my knee and shoulder. I limped over to the bench situated at the side of the skate rink. I rolled up the left leg of my jeans, cringing at the sight of my scraped knee. I pushed down the collar of my shirt to inspect my shoulder and cringed when seeing it was in the same shape.

"Damn that looks like it smarts." A familiar voice spoke from behind me.

"Mikey!" I yelled loud enough for pretty much then entire skatepark to hear. I tackled my friend to the ground in a hug, not regarding my injury. "I haven't seen you for so long! How's uni?"

Michael shrugged and tossed me a pack of cigarettes, which I gladly accepted. "Lots of parties, lots of girls. The norm. I chose a lot of the hard classes though, so that sucks."

"One more year and I'll be where you're at." I joked.

Michael scoffed as he took a long drag from his cigarette. "If I don't get kicked out by then. Did I tell you about the time I plastic wrapped the dean's car? I got in so much trouble. They found my student ID on the ground next to the car." He smirked. "I got like a month of ISS, but it's whatever."

"Join the gay side." I joked. "We've got lube, and you can blame all your trouble making on a diva fit."

"No way, bro." He crinkled up his nose. "Unless there's a guy out there who can turn me gay I'd like to stick with girls please."

I shrugged and sat back down on the bench. "Whatever tickles your pickle." I laughed, the unlit cigarette hanging loosely from my lips.

Michael groaned. "Please tell me you aren't going to go all The Fault In Our Stars on me here."

"You see, Michael Gordon," I started with a smirk. "This isn't a metaphor because I'm too lazy to get my lighter from my bag."

Or maybe it's because I scared the shit out if myself at Ashton's house.

"How have you been doing in school?" The raven haired boy asked awkwardly.

I snorted loudly and cleared my throat. "I made a friend."

"Tell me every detail about this friend." Michael demanded. "Is it a guy? A girl? Tell me!"

"His name is Ashton. He's the sweetest thing on earth. He's tiny, though. I didn't know such a big heart could fit into such a tiny body until I met him." I explained. "He loves reading and art and music and he would absolutely love you, Michael. Well, on the other hand, he honestly loves everybody."

"Sounds like you really care about this Ashton character." Michael quirked an eyebrow like a detective in one of the anime shows he always talks about.

A car horn from outside the skate park rang loudly, scaring birds out of surrounding trees. Michael sighed and pick up his bag. "I've got to go. That's my ride. But I'll see you tomorrow, right? I'm in town for holiday break."

I waved him a goodbye before picking up my own bag and following out of the park soon after he left.


My phone rang loudly in my pocket while I stood at the bus stop waiting for the bus home. I slid my thumb across the screen, accepting the call from the contact name "princess" with a koala picture as the icon.

"How's it going, princess?" I asked with a slight smirk on my face.

Ashton giggled over the line lightly with a lighthearted tone in his voice. "This is a little bit of a stupid question, but I kinda wanted to know if you wanted to go to one of my doctor's appointments with me today? We've been talking about therapy that could mean I could walk again within three years! Isn't that great?"

Three years. He's got at least three years to live.

"That sounds great!" I said enthusiastically. "I'll walk by. What time are you leaving?"

"Uh. Lemme check." He said cutely. There was rustling on the other line, kind if resembling someone flipping through papers. "We leave at five and get out at seven."

"I'll walk by now. I've got at least an hour to take my time anyway." I quickly said. "See you there, princess."

"Bye, prince." He giggled and made cute kissing sounds over the line before hanging up.

The bus obviously wasn't coming anytime soon, so I grabbed my board and took off as fast as I could all the way to the other side of the city. My board was fast, but obviously not fast enough, for I had only fours muted to spare when I walked up the ramp on the front of Ashton's house.

Lauren answered the door and kindly let me in, seeing as I was a friend of Ashton's.

Ashton was sitting in the family room reading a book. I snuck up behind him and out my hand over his eyes, playfully saying, "guess who, princess."

"Lukey!" He cheered and turned around to wrap his little arms around my waist in a hug. I pressed a peck to his cheek.

"As should get going now." He giggled while I kissed all over his face. "Mum is already waiting in the car.

The ride to the hospital was awkward seeing as Mrs Irwin didn't entirely like me hanging around her son, yet as she explained, he's head over heels for me.

We pulled into a parking space and I pushed Ashton through the parking lot and into building where we signed in and waited in the waiting room.

Ashton and I had collected the stupidest looking teen magazines from the waiting room and spread them all out in from of us on a coffee table, laughing over all the stupid articles and photoshopped covers.

"Ashton Irwin?" The woman at the desk where he had signed in called for Ashton to go into a small clinic in the physical therapy section of the hospital.

"Can Luke come?" Ashton asked hopefully at the nurse.

She smiled, but shook her head no. "Only one other person for physical therapy can go into the room with you."

Ashton frowned and pouted slightly, so I pecked his nose playfully, smirking when I saw his mum's eyes widen.

"I'll see you after the appointment!" I called after them.

Once they were out of sight, I walked briskly up to the desk where the woman from before was clicking on things on her computer.

"I'm sorry." She spoke quietly. "There is no exceptions for-"

"I'm not here for visiting." I cut her off. "Is there any chance I could get a chest x-ray done quickly before Ashton comes back?"

[sorry if that ending was shit I'm tired okay

basislly starting on Friday I'll be on a week long hiatus until Sunday. I will still be reading and replying the best I can, by I'll have bad wifi so I can't save anything in my drafts. I'll be sure to write extra during my remaining days this week to post afterward so you'll have about three more chapters of this book for me to space out and post before I'm back to my normal schedule.]

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