Chapter 6

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The Unknown

Mallok's patience was truly remarkable. He didn't become annoyed by my endless questioning; he answered each one diligently.

Though sometimes, many times, answering with a smartass comment thrown in.

I was beginning to realize though, that was Mallok just being Mallok, and I kind of loved it.

"How did you make a waterskin appear out of nowhere?"

"There are pockets between realms, most powerful fae have the ability to access and store things in them."

"What are bloomshrooms?"

"A neurotoxic mushroom that makes you hallucinate enough that you can barely function or talk," a deadpan stare, "you should take some."

"Why are pixies so awful?"

"Because most people don't enjoy having things fly into their orifices and liquify their organs, princess."

I was grinning as we walked, a slight pep in my step.

The male I was trailing may or may not have had something to do with that.

Though the forest called the Wistle, Mallok had told me, was the other reason.

The Wistle was brimming with life, glowing plants and massive trees for as far as I could see. Tinkling singing and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees made it a mesmerizing experience. It was unlike anything I could've dreamed up, so surreal I was tempted to pinch myself to be sure I was awake. I could feel everything pulsing around me as though it were my own heartbeat. The wind and the swaying trees, the animals scurrying through the underbrush, the birds singing in the trees, I felt it all. It was a hum in my blood, positively intoxicating.

As we continued, babbling brooks joined the sounds of the melodic singing, small glowing butterflies flitting along their banks. The streams flowed through the forest like veins, weaving in deep crystal pools in some areas.

"Mallok," I said. My steps halting as I looked longingly at one of the crystal pools.

He stopped and turned, "yes, princess?"

I raised a brow at the nickname that I was quickly becoming fond of, and gestured to the clear water. "Can we stop so I can bathe?" I scratched my arm, flakes of dirt falling off. "The dirt is making me itchy." Not to mention the reek of vomit that was trailing me.


I hurried after him as he continued walking briskly. "Why not?"


I arched a brow at his back, "What is a selkie?"

"Creatures that love to drag their victims into caves under the water and drown them to feast on their swollen flesh." Mallok tossed a wicked grin at me, eyes dancing with mischief. "They are especially partial to pretty blondes."

Okay then, no bathing for me.


We stopped our long trek through the forest as the sun began to set, a cave our home for the night. The mouth of the cave was hidden by a curtain of vines that hissed and wiggled as Mallok held them to the side so I could enter.

I looked at them warily before I hustled in, shivering as a stray vine slithered on my arm.

I expected darkness, but the cave was dimly lit.

I gasped, eyes widening as I took in my surroundings.

The walls were unnaturally smooth, warm light reflecting on the rounded angles the only thing reminding me that it was even a cave. The floor was covered in an array of colorful rugs and a bed sat nestled into an alcove to my left, massive and piled high with furs and pillows. Burgundy settees and a coffee table with crystal decanters full of liquor centered around a fireplace to my right, making up a cozy living area. Bookshelves lined the entire wall that the fireplace was set into, the fire crackling fiercely and radiating warmth. Hanging lanterns lit the room, sconces lining a tunnel that sat in the back of the room. The place was beautiful, and obviously well loved.

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