The gods of the ancients are dead, and the Harbinger has returned.
Rebellions are beginning, betraying their kingdoms and throwing in lots with a darker power.
Chaos reigns.
A woman awakes, no memories of her own. A power she doesn't understand tea...
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The Uknown
The sun was high in the sky by the time my heart rate calmed, and the anxiety that had me frozen, eased enough to take a deep breath. My eyes were locked on the dirt in front of me. That small patch of dirt that was the only safe place to look, free of vomit or other horrors.
So far, I absolutely hated this world.
In my time freaking out, I made the obvious connection that, whatever that animal was, was dead because of me. Because of that power that had saved me, that had ripped from me so violently that it almost wrecked me in the process. And I was beyond terrified to see what else it had done.
I wiped my bloody dirt crusted hand on that small patch of clean dirt, and a small part of me let out a sigh of relief. Relief that underneath all of the dirt and gore, my hand was not rotted and that I was indeed not some horrific undead creature.
Not in the typical sense at least.
I slowly tried to pick the eyeball remains from between my toes, gagging hard, and eventually gave up. It was a hopeless process, the eye was smeared on my foot like glue, and I was stalling.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm down and gather the courage to study my surroundings. I was terrified to see what other disgusting things might be around, what else that power that freed me might've destroyed. But I slowly looked up, deliberately ignoring the carcass.
Not that it did much good.
My jaw fell slack as I slowly stood, ignoring a wave of dizziness, and spun in a slow circle. The sun shone fiercely in the sky, giving me a perfect view of my surroundings.
And... holy gods.
I was a hunter, as I had been since I was a young lad, which was much longer ago than I'd like to admit. So being prey is not something that I was particularly accustomed to.
Which is extremely surprising considering how good I am at pissing things off. And yes, I mean things... and people, animals, man-eating plants, etc. Anything that has the capacity to be murderous basically.
And currently, I had a herd of very, VERY, angry unicorns after me. And no, not the cute farting rainbows kind.
I'm talking about the uni-horned demons whose teeth are the size of my forearm, unicorns.
I sprinted through the Wistle Forest, the glowing moss underfoot darkening as my boots pounded into it. Leaving a perfect trail of footprints for the unicorns to follow.