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Disclaimer: I only own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs to Josanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.


The isle of the lost is a place where villains, henchmen and any other rotten person was imprisoned for a life sentence for their wicked deeds. It was a kingdom made of people who didn't like other people and would sell their souls for a chance to be the top villain.

Life didn't stop when these evil people came to this island. Alliances were created and broken. People had children and abandoned them as soon as they could take care of themselves. The school that was supposed to teach normal subjects like math and English became a babysitting place for kids to learn how to be proper villains if the kids actually showed up. The teachers were villains so they didn't care who showed up or didn't as long as they had someone to listen to them talk.

Ben's proclamation changed the atmosphere of the island. When Jay, Carlos, Evie and Mal were chosen to leave the isle of the lost, those not chosen were angry. These four were the children of the worst four yet they were chosen over some of the lesser villain kids. Months went by and no other villain kid was chosen. Tempers flared every time stories or the tv showed one of the four former villain kids. Some accepted their fate but others held that anger in. They would never forget and they would never forgive at being left behind. 

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