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Chapter 6

Ben jerked awake as someone kicked his foot hard.

"Time to get up king." A voice mockingly said.

Ben looked up to see Harry Hook, Gil and another male teen pirate standing over him. The king slowly stood up and was forced out the door and up the stairs.

Ben wasn't sure what time it was but it was definitely early. Looking around once he was on the deck showed that there was no escape to be made. There were too many pirates on the deck.

Harry shoved Ben against the main mast and bound him to it. Maddie was sitting on the deck playing with a plastic doll that one of the crew members had found in the garbage from Auradon. It was missing a leg and had no hair on its head.

The girl moved it from place to place pretending to attack her enemies with a piece of plastic as its sword. Ben stared at her with sadness. It was obvious the girl loved the doll but Ben couldn't help but think about the dolls he remembered girls getting when he was a child. The dolls were so life like and here was one of his people who was playing with a broken toy. It wasn't right.

Maddie looked up and saw King Ben. The girl bounced over with a smile on her face. "Hey King Ben. This is Ally. Isn't she pretty?"

Maddie held up the doll. The doll wasn't just missing a leg. It was also missing an eye. Ben forced a smile on his face. "Beautiful."

The girl's eyes lit up in happiness. "Are you ready to see Mal? Captain Uma said once she has the wand, you are free to go home to your castle."

Ben smiled sadly. How does he explain to this child that him going home alive is unlikely to happen?

Before he can say it, Anthony walked over calling to the girl. "Hey squirt, it's time for sword practice."

Maddie smiled and ran over to a trunk to get her weapons. The girl was determined to make her captain and brother proud of her.

Ben watched her run off. The isle of the lost was not what he thought it was.

The clashing of swords went on for a while as the sun rose up in the sky.

He frowned when he felt something rubbing against his face. Turning his head, he saw the one person he wished to never see again.

"coochy coochy coo." Harry said with amusement.

Ben took a deep breath and tried to keep his face blank. It would not be a good idea to upset this guy. He clearly had some kind of mental disorder.

Harry tilted his head. "How does it feel to be a king now? Fun right"

Ben took a deep breath as Harry started to circle him from the other side. Just when Ben thought Harry was about to do something Uma appeared.

Uma walked over and pushed Harry away from Ben. "Give it a rest, Harry. Don't need damaged goods".

Harry snarled and turned away for a second before jerking around to look at Uma.

"You said I could hook him" Harry exclaimed.

"I said at noon" Uma stated.

Harry pulled his watch out and walked over to Ben holding it out for him to see. "20 minutes"

Ben glanced at the watch before looking at the pirate. "That says 11:30?"

Harry snarled before backing up and leaning against the railing.

Uma shakes her head. "You better hope Mal gets here with that wand or you'll be swimming with the fishes. Leave us alone Harry. Go help your sister. Seth seems to be taking it too far."

Harry glanced at where a blond male pirate was training Maddie with her sword while the others watched. Seth swiped the feet out from under Maddie knocking her down. The older boy scoffed as Maddie started to stand up rubbing her head. He pushed Maddie back down and started yelling at her.

Harry's fist tightened his fist as Maddie slowly stood up. Maddie was still learning the basics. Fancy footwork would come later.

He rose to walk over there but stopped by Ben "19 minutes."

Harry laughed at the look on Ben's face. He loved torturing people with his actions.

Ben sighed "I get that you all don't deserve this."

Uma laughed and shook her head. "This Island is a prison thanks to your father. Look behind you."

Ben turned and spotted Maddie sparing with Seth again while Harry watched from behind. The others were glancing between Seth and Harry. Seth launched forward cut Maddie on her cheek.

The girl jerked back with blood and tears running down her face.

Harry pulled his sword out and knocked Seth's sword out of his hand. The other boy was on his back on the deck with Harry's sword at his throat. Seth gulped and tried to say something but Harry just got this crazy smile on his face. At a nod from Harry two males grabbed the boy and threw him overboard.

Harry pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the blood away. He stepped back and nodded to a female pirate who stepped forward with her blade preparing to spar with the child while Harry gave Maddie tips. Harry stood behind his sister and adjusted her stance pointing at the female pirate.

"She has never been off this island, King Ben. Never known what it is like to feel full. Never been able to feel the sun on her face. The only thing that kid has ever known is hunger and fear. Don't pretend to look after us because no one is looking after us." Uma stated.

"Uma set me free, and we can all go back to Auradon together. All of us. You, Harry, Maddie, Gill and the other pirate kids." Ben stated.

Uma laughed and smiled at Ben. "So now we get an invite. I wonder why?"

Uma pulled a knife out of her pocket. "When you brought Mal, Evie, Jay, Hannah and Carlos to Auradon that was the maddest I've ever been. Maddie cried when she found out."

Ben turned his head and stared at Maddie. The girl was doing good against the female pirate. It was obvious that the female was holding back quite a bit as Maddie practiced sword fighting. Around her, Harry and the others were cheering the girl on.

"I never thought about that before. The plan was to start with four and bring more over. I never thought about how that would affect the ones I didn't choose. I am so sorry. You're a leader Uma. Come to Auradon and be part of the solution." Ben pleaded.

Uma smiled "be part of your solution. No, I don't need you. I'll get me and my crew there on my own."

Uma stepped back and yelled "Everyone get ready we have 20 minutes till the wand is ours."

The pirate crew cheered. Harry, Maddie and Gill walked over to Uma.

Uma knelt to Maddie's level. "I'm not going to make you go below deck. I need you to stay as far away from Mal and the others. They will do anything to get their King back."

Maddie nodded her head. "I promise. I will not do anything to mess up your plan Uma.

Uma smirked and ruffled the girl's head. "I know Maddie."

The older girl took Maddie's hand and led her to the front of the ship. "Stay here and don't leave this spot unless I or Harry said so."

Uma turned and smirked at Ben. She reached down and held her mother's necklace up for Ben to see. "Let's see what this puppy can do."

Harry and Gil smirked as Maddie wrapped her arms around herself to watch what Uma did. She really hopped Uma knew what she was doing. 

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