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Disclaimer: I only own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs to Josanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.

Authors Note: Thank you ShelbyMead0 for pointing out a BIG mistake I made on this chapter. Uma did not return to the Isle of the Lost and was on the outside the entire time leaving her pirate crew with Harry as the captain stuck in the barrier. This chapter was edited to reflect her NOT being there. 


The pirate crew were sitting around Ursula's Chip Shop. It had been a week since Uma failed to get them free.

Harry and another pirate were sitting at the table playing cards while Gil was staring at the TV with the others lounged around bored. There was nothing to do on the isle of the lost that has not been done a thousand times.

The door opened and in walked four Auradon soldiers and a man who was obviously a representative from King Ben. Two of the soldiers were carrying a crate between them.

"Who are you?" Harry said with a sneer.

The soldiers said nothing but the man raised an eyebrow amused at the boy. His eyes roamed the room until it landed on Maddie.

Maddie was curled up on a bench fast asleep under a purple blanket.

The man took a step forward before Gil pulled out his sword and got between the two. 

"I asked you a question, mate?" Harry said with a frown moving to stand by Gil.

Two of the soldiers moved forward to stand between the pirates and the man with their weapons drawn.

The man shook his head. "I have a message for Maddie, daughter of Captain Hook. Please wake your sister, Harry son of Hook. I was told to speak with her not you."

Harry frowned and moved over to Maddie.

"Maddie girl, wake up. Come on girl." Harry said shaking the girl's shoulder.

Maddie opened her eye yawning. "Harry?"

"Come on girl. Someone to see you." Harry said with a smile.

Maddie sat up and froze when she saw them. The girl glanced between Gil and brother before getting up.

Harry took the girl's hand and led her to stand before the man with Harry and Gil on either side. 

The man smiled and handed her a rolled scroll. The girl opened it frowning.

Dear Maddie,

I want to apologize about how everything went down. I know the reason the incident happened was because I failed to keep my promise to the children of the isle of the lost. I can assure you that the program will start up starting this next term.

I would like for you, Maddie Daughter of Captain Hook, to be one of five who will be the next group to come over. I will be working on bringing more children over including Uma, Harry, Gil and the others in small batches over the coming years.

Please say you will come. I included a gift to you and your pirate family as a show of good faith.


King Ben of Auradon

Maddie's eyes went wide. She glanced at her brother in shock. "I can't leave you all behind. We are a family."

Harry closed his eyes taking a breath before turning to the man. "She'll be there. Tell King Ben she will be in the five."

The man nodded his head holding out a scroll. "King Ben said if she was coming to give this to you."

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