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Disclaimer: I only own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs to Josanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.

Chapter 2

Ursula's fish and Chip Shop

Harry smirked as he walked in to the shop. He looked around and saw Uma passing out food while Maddie was drawing a picture on a piece of paper.

Harry walked over to Uma and wrapped an arm around Uma. "Guess who I saw?"

Uma frowned "Who?"

Harry smirked even bigger, "Mal and she is alone."

Uma smirked, "I'm not giving up my turf. She can just enjoy being alone. If she tries to come after her old turf our crew will destroy her."

Harry frowned looking around, "Where's Gil?"

Uma shrugged. Maddie looked up from her drawing. "His dad ordered him home to give him and his brothers some speech about making sure to kill a beast like king Beast. He should be here soon."

Uma and Harry stared at the girl in confusion. The girl smirked and shrugged her shoulders. "He makes sense some of the times."

"Maddie, cards?" Uma demanded.

Maddie jumped up and ran to the back only to return with some playing cards. Uma and Harry sat down while Maddie shuffled the cards. The girl gave the two their cards and took a seat on the counter behind Harry. These two were ruthless when it came to cards.

30 minutes into the game Harry still had not figured out Uma was using Maddie to cheat him in cards. Harry was getting annoyed at losing again and again. Uma glanced at Maddie who smirked and shook her head.

"Royal Flush. I win" Uma said.

Harry snarled and slammed his cards down. Suddenly he turned and yanked Maddie off the counter behind him.

"Do you think I don't know what your doing brat?" He snarled at the girl.

Harry drove his hands straight to the girl's ribs making the girl squeal in laughter. He continued to tickle her ribs for several minutes while she begged for mercy. He finally stopped and plopped her by him in the chair.

"No more helping Uma." He said with a shake of his finger. Maddie giggled and nodded her head. Uma laughed and shuffled the deck before handing out cards for the next game.


The doors flew open smashing into the walls.

"Guys...Hey Guys." Gil ran huffing and puffing into the restaurant bar.

'What Gil?" Uma exclaimed. She grabbed her cards off the table and started shuffling through them.

Gil dropped in the seat between the two gasping. "I...I...I saw..."

Gil huffed and puffed.

Maddie jumped up to grab her drink off the counter walking over to the boy who was huffing and puffing.

Harry "What are ya trying to say mate?"

Gil huffed and puffed. "I...I... Saw."

Maddie pushed the drink to Gil "Here Gil. Drink this."

Gil grabbed the drink and guzzled it. He slammed the drink down on the table. "Thank Maddie. That really helped. Who would have thought running all that way would make you tired? I don't think I've ever..."

"GIL" Uma yelled.

Maddie and Gil both jumped.

They turned to see Uma and Harry staring at Gil.

"Gil. What did you see?" Uma said.

"I saw King Ben, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. They're here on the island." Gil said.

Uma smirked "OH really...Boys and Girls I feel a plan coming together."

Harry and Gil smirked while Maddie giggled.

Uma rose and walked to the end of the table facing the other three.

"Harry. Gil. Take the crew and go find the King. Gil, bring him to the ship and place him in a cell. Make sure he can't escape Gil."

Uma turned and pointed at a male and female pirate sitting at one of the tables waiting for orders. "You two stand guard over him. Make sure no one takes our prize".

Both nodded their head.

Uma then turned to Harry. "You give those losers a message for Mal to come see me at the shop tonight alone." Uma said.

Harry smirked "Right away captain. Let's go mate. We have got some people to see. Kings to take."

The two pirates rose and walked out of the building with the other members of the crew following him.

Uma wrapped an arm around the younger girl's shoulders. "Our time is coming Maddie girl. Soon...we'll be free from this prison and the world will be ours."

Maddie smiled "And then we can have all the ice cream we can eat right Uma?"

Uma laughed "yeah Maddie. All the ice cream you can eat."

Maddie frowned "We're not going to hurt him are we Uma?"

Uma frowned "Of course not. We just need to hold him until we get what we want."

Maddie cocked her head "what do we want exactly?"

Uma kneeled "You don't worry about that Maddie girl. Leave it all to me. By the time I'm done we will be far away from this cursed island."

Maddie nodded her head. Uma was family. She would never lead them wrong.

Uma nudged Maddie to the table. "Time to teach you blackjack while we wait for the others."

The two girls sat down and Uma started shuffling cards. It was going to be a long night. 

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