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Disclaimer: I only own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs to Josanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.

Chapter 8

Maddie, Gil, Harry and the others were sitting around the tv watching the cotillion. Harry and the other older pirate kids were smirking in anticipation. Maddie looked confused.

"Why are ya'll so excited?" Maddie asked.

Harry smirked and pulled the girl to him. "Just watch Maddie girl. Our luck is about to change."

Maddie frowned before turning to the tv. Her eyes lit up when she saw Uma. "It's Uma.... She looks so pretty."

Uma appeared in a light blue dress. She looked beautiful.

Maddie looked shocked when Ben took Uma's hand and led her down the stairs. When he kissed Uma's hands, the others cheered.

Maddie was confused but cheered with her brother and crew. Maddie smiled when Uma and Ben started dancing.

Everyone stared shocked when the man at the stairs started speaking.

"And now, for the unveiling of King Ben's Masterpiece, designed especially for his lady." The man said.

Maddie frowned. "How did Ben make a gift for Uma so soon."

Harry frowned and pulled his sister closer to him. He had a bad feeling about this.

The glass was pulled down and it showed Mal and Ben. It was a beautiful piece.

Uma stormed toward the man on the stage screaming at him. "Cover that back up."

The man refused.

"Come on Uma. Come on." Harry said in desperation.

Ben stepped forward looking frazzled Maddie tilted her head sideways. Ben was acting funny.

"I have an announcement." Ben said, "Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady."

Beast tried to speak to his son but Ben yelled at him in anger.

Ben blinked for a few minutes before continuing. "Uh, so, as my gift, uh to her, I am bringing down the barrier once and for all."

Everyone at the cotillion stared in shock.

Harry Hook stood up with a smile. "There it is. We ride with the Tide."

The pirate kids started jumping with joy. They were free. Gil scooped up Maddie and hugged her.

None realized it was too soon to celebrate.

"What's going on with Uma?" Maddie asked confused.

"No, what happened?" Harry asked in anger.

Uma was standing against the side of the ship in anger.

Mal tried to reason with Uma. "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want."

Uma stared down at her necklace in anger before staring at Mal. "You betrayed all of us for a king who would let us die for crimes we never committed. There is only one way to get what we want."

Before anyone could stop her, Uma jumped into the water disappearing.

Everyone watched in shock. The water started swirling as Uma used magic to change into a sea monster like her mother.

"True love's kiss won't stop me. The world will know my name." Uma screamed.

Mel's eyes changed and she rose into the air in a purple cloud into a dragon form. Uma laughed.

"Come on Mal. Lets finish this once and for all." Uma screamed at her.

Mal and Uma started fighting in their other forms as Ben and the others watched in shock. The ship rocked as the two fought.

Ben jumped into the water and swam between the two.

"Mal. Uma. Stop Now." Ben begged.

Uma laughed at him. "What are you gonna do, Ben? Splash me?"

Ben shook his head. "This has to stop. This isn't the answer."

Maddie watched with her brother and the others scared for Uma. What was going to happen next? Who would win between the two.

Ben turned to look at Dragon Mal. "The fighting has got to stop. Nobody wins this way. We have to listen and respect each other."

Mal and Uma looked at each other in confusion at Ben's words.

"It won't be easy but let's be brave enough to try Uma, I know you want what is best for the isle. For kids like Maddie and the others I saw starving on the street. Help me make a difference."

Uma stared at Ben studying him as Dragon Mal snarled at her. "Your different than your father."

One of her tentacles moved forward and dropped Ben's ring in his hand. She turned and disappeared under the water heading for the isle.

The pirate kids sat down frustrated at the idea of their plans failing. They were still trapped.

Harry turned off the tv. There was nothing they could do anymore. It was over.

Maddie looked down with tears running down her face.

Harry grabbed his sister and hugged her. They were so close to being free. It wasn't fair.  

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