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Disclaimer: I only own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs to Josanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.

Chapter 4

Maddie licked her lips as she ate her last egg on her plate. Waiting was so boring. She wished Mal would already get here. It was almost midnight.

The girl glanced around at the other pirates sitting around the shop. Some were part of their crew but a few were older pirates left here by King Beast for being a pirate.

Maddie glanced at her empty food plate before glancing at her brother's plate. Harry still had an egg on his plate. He and Uma were in a deep discussion about what they were going to do with King Ben and trash talking about Mal.

Maddie slowly slipped her hand on the table next to her brother's plate. She glanced at him to see if he noticed. Harry shook his head at Uma and looked in the opposite direction away from Maddie. The girl quickly slipped the egg under her hand holding it off the table with her thumb. Just as she started to move her hand away his shot out and grabbed her wrist.

Maddie raised her head in surprise to her brother to see him smirking at her. He raised an eyebrow at her before bopping her on the back of the head with his other hand. Maddie rubbed her head as she smiled sheepishly at her brother as he took his egg back. She watched as her brother took the egg and raised it to his mouth like he was about to eat the thing in one gulp while smirking at her.

Uma shook her head and stood to go get the next orders for customers. If Harry had a soft spot, it would be for his kid sister.

Harry suddenly pulled his knife out of his pocket and cut the egg in half giving one to his sister and stuffing the other in his mouth. He was in a particularly good mood as usually he would have threatened her for being caught stealing his food.

The boy watched as his sister ate her half of the egg she tried to steal. He would have to work with her on improving her stealing apparently. He thought about lecturing her about being caught but it didn't seem like the time or place. He needed to focus on the task at hand and trying to get himself, his crew and sister away from the isle of the lost.

Uma walked in from the back carrying two trays of food. She dumped a tray of food in front of an old pirate lady before moving toward the other customer.

"Hey, I wanted the fried clams" the woman complained.

Uma snarled "And I asked for a Sea pony. Life ain't fair."

Uma turned and dumped the other tray on a table in front of a customer. It was late and Mal still was not here.

"I'm back" a voice called out.

Everyone turned to see Mal, daughter of Maleficent, standing in the entrance of the chip shop.

"Loser. Party of one. Right this way please." Uma stated.

She grabbed a chair and slid it toward Mal. Right before it was going to hit her, Mal grabbed it and turned it around sitting backward at a table.

"Place still stinks" Mal stated.

Uma Smirked "Oh I'm sorry. We're down a butler today, Princess."

"Where's Ben?" Mal demanded.

Uma laughed "Beasty boy is fine...for now. It must have been really nice. Living in that castle with beasty boy pretending you were never a villain. I thought about you a lot Mal. Did you even think of the ones left behind while you played princess?"

Mal frowned. "That's nice I was on your mind. I didn't think about any of you."

Uma slammed her hands on the table. "You have your perfect little life, don't you? Doesn't she have the perfect little life?"

The blue haired girl rose and motioned to the people around her. Adults and teens alike scoffed at Mal.

Uma turned toward Mal. "And we're 20 years into a garbage strike."

Mal scoffed. "Listen, if you have some kind of score to settle with me, game on. I see no need to bring Ben into this."

Uma laughed. "Oh, this is good. It may be a little unnecessary, but it's a whole lot of fun. Here's the deal..."

Mal snarled at Uma. "Just like your mother, always a catch."

Uma flopped in a chair across from Mal propping her elbow on the table with her hand raised. "You win. Ben's free to go. Do you want to know what I get if I win?"

Mal smirked "Nope."

Mal wrapped her hand around Uma's.

Uma tilted her head. "Last I checked your mother had things all sewed up too...how'd that work out for her again?"

Mal frowned. "On three?"

"Maddie...count" Uma said.

Maddie ran up and stood beside Uma.

Mal glanced at the little pirate girl and frowned. Maddie was Harry's kid sister. It really shook Mal to see the girl as well as hit hard the reminder of what villain kids had to go through on the isle. Maddie was thinner than Mal remembered her being last time she saw her.

Maddie glanced between the two with an excited face. "3...2...1...GO."

Uma and Mal started pushing against each other.

Uma stared right at Mal. "You know that whole princess act. Ugh. I didn't believe it for a second. You can put a Tiera on a villain but you're still a villain."

Mal raised an eyebrow "you can slap a pirate hat on but you're still shrimpy."

Mal's eyes started glowing and her hand pushed Uma's hand closer to the table.

Uma smirked and looked at Mal "If I win you bring me the wand."

Mal gasped.

Uma quickly pushed Mal's hand back and slammed it on the table. The pirates around the table and Maddie cheered when Uma won.

Uma smirked and leaned on the table toward Mal. "Now if you want beasty boy back bring me the wand tomorrow to my ship at 12 noon sharp."

Uma turned and walked away from Mal.

Mal gasped. She could not believe she lost.

Uma glanced back at Mal. "If you blab, you can kiss your baby goodbye.

Mal stared straight ahead in frustration. She had lost to Uma. What was going on with her. She glanced up and saw Maddie staring at her curiously.

"Maddie come away from her. Wouldn't want to give her any ideas." Harry called out.

Maddie nodded and ran to her brother. She wrapped her arm around his waist never looking back at Mal.

Mal sat and watched as Harry wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders. Looking at Maddie, the girl was reminded on why she and the others had tried to get the wand the first time. It seems life had not changed on the isle and living in Auradon had made her weak.

Mal stood and walked out of the shop. She needed to get to the others and come up with a plan. Uma couldn't get the wand.

Uma smirked as she watched Mal leave. Everything was going according to plan. She walked into the kitchen and grabbed the tray of food off the counter.


The younger girl ran up to Uma taking the tray from her. "Take this to the ship and give it to Ben. Tell Avery and Gabriel to come to the chip shop. We need to plan for tomorrow. I want you to stay on the ship and watch over Ben."

The girl nodded her head. As she turned away Uma grabbed her shoulder. Maddie turned to Uma with a confused look. Uma knelt and stared at the girl in the eyes.

"Maddie you are not allowed to let him out of his cell. No matter what he says or promises you understand. We stick together because we are family." Uma said.

Maddie nodded her head. "I understand Uma. I won't let him out." 

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