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Disclaimer: I only own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs to Josanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.

Chapter 3

Ben walked down the road away from the others. His heart was broken and he didn't know what to do. Before he realized what was happening a hand wrapped around his mouth and something with a sharp point was pressed against his neck.

"What do we have here? A goody two shoes king in the wrong place at the wrong time." A voice said as Ben was pushed into a wall with his chest against the wall. He glanced over his shoulder as much as he could to see the boy holding him with a hook at his throat, Gil and several other kids standing behind this boy.

The boy holding Ben motioned to the others. "Speak and you will die, beasty boy. Tie him up, Anthony."

The hook was still at his throat as the boy's other hand moved to the middle of Ben's back forcing him harder into the wall. A black boy walked forward and pulled a rope out. Ben was forced to stay still until his hands were bound behind him. Once bound Anthony searched his pockets.

"No weapons, Harry." Anthony said.

Harry laughed. "What idiot comes to our isle without something to protect himself?"

Ben was forced to turn around as Harry laughed in his face. The king cursed in his mind of the stupidest mistake he had made so far.

"Get him to the ship and not a word Beasty boy or your rule will be a short one." Harry said with a smirk.

Gil lead the way as Anthony and another pirate grabbed ben's arms forcing him to walk away from Evie and the others as two more followed behind the group. Ben looked over his shoulder to see Harry removed his hat and handed it to a female pirate who was waiting beside him.

Ben wasn't sure what was going on but it would not be good.

Gil led him down different roads and the closer they moved the stronger salty the air was becoming. Around him, He could see kids as young as 7 running around looking dirty and starved. Every adult who looked at him quickly moved away in fear. Ben was getting a good idea on what the isle of the lost was really like.

Ben looked forward as the ground changed to wooden boards and the salty smell was strong. Before him was a ship that had seen better days. A male and female teenage pirate were waiting in front of a ship.

The two turned to face the group heading toward them.

"Is this him Gil?" the male pirate asked.

Gil nodded his head "Yeah. Ok...Guys this is King Ben. King Ben, this is Avery and Gabriel. They are part of the crew and will guard you until Uma gets what she wants."

Avery laughed. "He doesn't look like a king."

Gabriel laughed. "He does look like a wannabe hero trying to fit in with us. Too bad for you, we're better and smarter than you."

Ben glanced between the two in fear. He was doomed.

Gil frowned at noticing the look on Ben's face. He wrapped an arm around his shoulders in a friendly manner.

"Don't worry Dude. They are there to make sure you stay in your cell and keep everyone else away. You'll be perfectly safe there."

Ben glanced at Gil. "Great."

Gil smiled "Good. Take him to his cell. We're going to the chip shop."

The pirate kids walked away from the three as Gabriel grabbed Ben's arm yanking him toward the plank used to board the ship. "Walk ya princely brat. We aren't got all day."

Avery pulled out her sword and pointed it at Ben. "And no funny business while you are here. We'll stick you if you try anything. We can't kill you but Uma never said anything about hurting you a little."

Ben gulped and nodded his head.

The three walked on to the ship and ben felt his heart drop. He could see Auradon from the top of the deck. He had been a fool coming here. Gabriel forced him to a set of stairs which led down into the belly of the ship. The smell of sea salt and wet wood rose the deeper they went down. The lower floors made Ben want to be sick. Everywhere Ben looked he could see dirt, seaweed and broken objects lying on the floor. The air was stale and stank of filth. It was not a place Ben wanted to be in. Several closed doors were on either side of the hallway.

Down the hallway, threw another door and down another set of stairs led Ben to the most miserable place he had ever been. On the left was three jail cells with black iron poles sticking out. On the left was a table with wooden boxes and shelfing filled with papers and other weird items.

Avery grabbed a key that was hanging on the wall by the stairs and opened the second cell door. Gabriel cut the ropes on Ben's arms and pushed him in the cell making Ben stumble as he went in.

The female pirate locked the door and placed the keys back by the stairs before joining Gabriel at the table across from the cell. Gabriel reached into his pocket and pulled out some cards. He started shuffling the cards as Avery snickered at something Gabriel said.

Ben ignored them as he looked around his cell. There was a mattress on the floor that smelled moldy and was too thin for any real comfort. The walls showed filth from not being cleaned properly. Ben jerked back as he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned and saw a rat run out of his cage and disappear past his cell.

Ben was not sure if he was ever going to make it back to Auradon. He was definitely not going to sleep tonight.

Ursula's Fish and Chip Shop

Maddie and Uma sat in front of the tv waiting for the gang to come back. Maddie could see that Uma was anxious. She kept tapping her foot against the shelf and glancing at the door.

The nine-year-old sighed and looked down at her new scarf. Harry had given it to her yesterday. It was a beautiful purple with silver stars. She hoped her brother was going to be ok.

Uma seeing the girl's face gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Everything will be ok, Maddie girl. Harry will be back soon."

The door opened with a bang and the two girls looked over to see Harry come in.

"Well?" she demanded.

Harry smiled. "He should be in the holding cell on the ship with two guards watching him. The message has been delivered to Mal and the others."

Uma smirked and started laughing.

"Now we wait to see if she shows up."

Maddie glanced between the two. "What if Mal doesn't show up?"

Harry and Uma glanced at each other before turning to the nine-year-old girl.

Harry leaned down. "Don't worry your head. She will show up. She wouldn't abandon her boy toy."

Maddie nodded her head. She glances around before looking at her brother. "So, what do we do now?"

Just at that moment Maddie's stomach grumbled. Her face went pink at the look of the two older pirates.

Harry stood and looked at Uma. "Food?"

Uma nodded. "Food."

Maddie smiled and threw her hands in the air. "FOOD!!"

Maddie took off to the kitchen chanting food over and over.

Harry and Uma smiled. The kid had too much energy. 

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