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Disclaimer: I only own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs to Josanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.

Chapter 7

Maddie stood by the front watching as the others walked all over the deck in anticipation. Today they were getting free.

"Hey guys, they're here!" Gil yelled out to the crew below.

Maddie turned and stared at Mal and the others. There was another girl with them. Her outfit was so pretty in blue. Maybe she could convince Harry to get her one once they got off the isle.

The nine-year-old girl watched her brother shove Ben toward the plank. She smiled as she watched Uma and Mal spoke to each other. It was interesting to watch.

-----------It's Goin' Down dance------------

Just as Mal was about to hand the wand to Uma, the girl stopped her.

"Hold on. Too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work." Uma demanded with a smirk.

Mal laughed with a fake smile. "You always were quite the drama queen."

Uma faked pouting at Mal. "Nothing too big or ben is fish bait."

Harry moved Ben closer to the end with a smirk on his face.

The purple haired girl turned to the dog and waved the wand saying, "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word."

Maddie glanced between the dog and Mal. It was just sitting there. Even Uma was getting suspicious of the girl.

Mal flushed and said "Talk dog."

Suddenly the dog opened its mouth and said, "Does this vest make me look fat?"

Maddie's eyes lit up. "So cool. It really talks."

The rest of the pirates burst out laughing.

The dog started whining. "Hey, does anyone have some bacon? Cookies."

Even Uma started laughing at the dog.

"Give me the wand!" She demanded.

Mal demanded back at her. "Give me Ben."

Uma forced a smile on her face and motioned to Harry. "Harry, Bring him over."

Ben was shoved onto his knees before Uma.

Mal held out the wand as Harry cut the rope from Ben's arms.

"I never get to have any fun." Harry whined.

Mal and Ben quickly fled backward away from the pirate crew.

Maddie's eyes lit up when Uma held the wand up. They were leaving.

Uma waved the wand and yelled out, "By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free."

The girl looked confused when the barrier did not disappear. Uma looked at the wand in anger. "It's a fake."

The girl broke the wand and snarled at them. "You do not get to win every time."

A battle happened as clouds of different colored smoke appeared. Uma's pirate crew members ran off the ship to face the crew.

Maddie watched in shock as they group fought. She wanted to help but she didn't move from the front of the ship.

It was obvious that the others were better at fighting than the pirate crew.

The Auradon crew fled through a tunnel and Mal knocked the bridge away to stop the pirate crew from following them.

Ben and Mal stood in the tunnel staring at the pirate crew. Mal was smug she had beat Uma again but for Ben. His heart broke as he could see Maddie standing there at the front of the ship watching them. Tears ran down the girl's face as they escaped.

The conversation from last night came into his mind. How many of his subjects suffered like Maddie? How many were angry at him for choosing Mal and the others over them?

As much as he hated what happened, this happened because of his father and because of him. Had his father not locked all these children away on this island with no chance of leaving, they may have never turned out this way. If he had stuck with what he promised, more children would be off the isle like Maddie, Uma, Harry and Gil. If his family had done right by those on the isle, a lot of things would have been different.

"Ben." Mal said concerned.

Ben nodded his head followed the girl down the tunnel leaving the pirate kids behind. This trip had changed his perspective on who the kids on the isle were. 

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