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Disclaimer: Ionly own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs toJosanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.

Chapter 1

A young man walked down the road with shops around him. People jumped out of his way in fear. Everyone knew who he was but no one would stop him.

Henry Hook, Son of Captain James hook.

The boy was 16 and hansom but crazy. He would either laugh with you or cut you with his hook while smiling at you. He cared for no one but three people.

One of the people he cared about was his captain, 16-year-old Uma. Daughter of Ursula, Uma had an attitude that would make grown men quake. Harry was her 2nd in command and best friend.

The second person was 16-year-old Gil, son of Gaston. The boy was a complete idiot, but he was loyal to a fault. The boy would do anything Uma and Harry told him even though his mouth got him in trouble a lot. Gaston was not known to have smart children so the two couldn't hold it against Gil.

The last person was the person that Harry loved even more than his captain. He had been the first to hold her when she was born. He had raised her and taught her what she knew. This person was his baby sister, Maddie. Maddie was now 9 years old. She was spunky and sweet. Harry protected her as best as possible from the horror of living on the isle but not everything could be stopped.

Uma, Harry and Gil were known as the toughest group ever since Mal and her crew left. Everyone knew to stay out of their way. If they wanted something than they got it.

Harry stopped and held up a scarf from a stand. It was a deep purple with silver stars on it. The boy held it up and studied it before smirking at the woman standing there. He stuffed the scarf in his jacket pocket and continued walking down the road with the woman huffing at him.

He walked toward his destination with a smirk on his face.

Ursula's Fish and Chip Shop

The center location where the pirate crew of Uma lived and hung out. Harry noticed a woman sitting there fishing. He reached into the bucket and pulled out a string with several fish. He smirked at the woman before walking into the shop.

Looking around he smirked. This was home. He placed his sword in the holder before walking down the steps and handing the fish to a waitress. He jerked one of the crew off his chair to use as a stepstool to step on the table and over to the other side. His sister was sitting there eating an apple with her eyes on the screen while avoiding the parts of the apple that was rotting away.

Harry grabbed his sister's hand and moved it over so he could take a bite. Maddie laughed and shoved her brother away as he smirked at her.

Just then Uma showed up and dumped a tray on the table. She glared at the tv and threw a piece of fish at it when Mal appeared.

"Poser" She yelled.

"Traitor" Harry scoffed.

Uma huffed. "Hello?"

The rest of the crew started scoffing and threw food at the screen except for Gil.

Maddie threw her apple at the tv while sticking her tongue out. Harry reached out and grabbed her tongue with a smirk as her sister whined with a frown. Harry let go and moved toward the tv.

"Oh, I would love to wipe the smiles off their faces." He said with a grin while running his hand through some food caught on the tv. "You know what I mean?"

Uma huffed before turning to Gil. "Gil?"

Gil looked up at Uma confused. Maddie giggled at his face.

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