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Disclaimer: I only own this story line and the OC characters. Everything else belongs to Josanna McGibbon and Sara Parriott.

Chapter 5

Ben leaned against the wall with his head on his knees. His head was hurting and he was frustrated with everything.

For the last two hours, Avery and Gabriel had been fighting with each other over cards. It was a constant argument between the two.

Avery slammed her hands down on the table. "You are a rotten cheat."

Gabriel scoffed. "Your just mad to have lost. You're a sore loser."

Avery stood in anger. "What did you call me?"

Gabriel smirked and leaned forward. "A rotten sore loser who can't handle losing."

Avery ripped her sword out and kicked her chair away in anger.

Gabriel stood with a smile pulling his sword out. "Bring it little girl. I can beat you with my eyes closed."

Ben stared in shock that these two were about to go to a physical fight over a card game. The isle was so different from Auradon. He didn't realize how different when he brought Mal and the others over. He felt like he fully understood why Mal and the others had such issues adjusting to the school.

Just as their swords clashed in the first strike, footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Both pirates jerked their swords away and faced the stairs.

Ben stood up praying it was Mal or one of the others to rescue him.

What none expected was a small girl to come down carrying a tray of what might have been food and a glass with her.

Ben stared confused as a look passed between the two pirates. Avery and Gabriel put their swords away. Their fight could wait till the girl was not around. Anyone who hurt that kid would be severely punished by Harry.

"What you doing here, Maddie?" Gabriel asked.

Maddie smiled at the two. "Uma sent me."

"Uma?" Avery asked confused.

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Uma said for you to give King Ben the food and head to the chip shop. She wants to go over some plans she has."

The two pirates stared at each other in confusion.

"Who's supposed to watch the joke king here?" Gabriel asked confused.

Maddie huffed and held the food out to Avery. The girl took it with a frown.

"I'm supposed to watch him." The 9-year-old huffed before flopping on some sack cloth bags across from the table.

Avery leaned over to Gabriel and said, "You think Harry is trying to set us up by using his kid sister?"

Gabriel frowned and slowly shook his head. "Don't think so but it is Harry Hook."

Maddie raised her eyes in annoyance to look at the two. "Are you going to give him the food or not? Uma's not gonna be happy if you two aren't there soon."

Avery gave Gabriela a questionable look before the boy stomped over and grabbed the keys from the hook.

"Let's get this over with and hope the girl is speaking the truth." He said.

Ben backed up as Gabriel moved toward the cell. The boy unlocked the cage and pulled out his sword motioning to the furthest corner of the cell.

"Over there and don't try any funny business." He ordered.

The Pirates Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now