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Peter woke up the next morning luckily it was their free day today so no training whatsoever he took a shower and after he was done he was already changed into his new clothes as he walks out of the bathroom when he looks at Val's bed


He slightly panic but he thought of maybe she went out for a walk... But at this early?

He was the only one who was awake so he grab his jacket and put it on as he went to Jeanin who was secretly hiding in the control center, underground

He enters and immediately push a guard out of his way "Where the fuck is she?!" He went mental

"Where is she!?" He marched towards Jeanin who was looking at a program

"We made a deal!" He growls

"And we are keeping it" Jeanine turned around to see a Angry Peter

"Why is gone? Where is she?!"

"Well earlier this morning Tobias, Tris, Willian, Al and Cris escapade the headquarters while everyone was asleep I saw it this morning in the cameras" She played a Video tape

It was Four and Val's friend sneakily out at the middle of the night, Peter was relief to see her safe

"Along with your beloved Valkyrie they escape that is why I'm sending Eric and his team to capture them"

"You're not gonna hurt her" Peter warned

"Well if needed to then they will" Jeanine said

Peter lunge at her and grab her dress before throwing her across the room some guard tackled Peter and injected a sleeping vile to his neck and made him unconscious

Jeanine exhale sharply and fix her clothes

Meanwhile with Val, they were running into the woods luckily no one saw them

"We need to get to my parents and my brother" Tris said

"We will but it's not gonna be an easy one" Al said

"With Jeanin knowing were gone she's gonna send Eric after us" Val said

They all circled a fire keeping their self warm

"Why don't we hide in Amity until this is done for?" Cris suggested

Four nodded "But we gotta find Tris Parents and brother"

"Then we'll split" Val said

"I'll go with Tris" Will said and Four nodded

"Cris and Al you go with Val" Four said before looking at Valkyrie

The next morning Valkyrie hugged Will tightly "Please be safe" She whispered to him and Will nodded

"I promise I'll come back" He softly said before pecking her forehead

It wasn't in a romantic way but more like a sister way kiss, Cris smiled sadly at Will and then hugged him

"I promise to come to you" He whispered to her before giving her a softly tender kiss

Val who watched them has a relapse about her and Peter's kiss, God it hurts when she remembers it

"Val, remember that no matter what happens I'll Always be with you" Will said

Val said goodbye to Tris and Four too before the three went off to find Tris parents and brother

"Come on, we're not far to Amity"  Al geld Cristina's hand as they began to walk and Val followed them closely

Peter woke up from his unconscious mind he was cuffed and was sat on a chair

"Let me go!" He yelled angrily

Jeanine smirk

"We had a deal Jeanin!" He screamed at her

"The deal was you work for me and I'll keep Valkyrie safe but turns out you betrayed me so your better off dead now" She pointed a gun at his head

Peter's exhaled sharply as he slowly accepted his faith, he would never see Val again and he didn't have the chance to tell her everything he truly felt for her

"Or maybe I should let you watch her die" Jeanine points her gun on a screen ehere Val, Cristina and Al are

They were walking in the woods and there was a drone above the sky watching them

"No" He whispered softly watching the screen

"Go on" Jeanine gave the operator a nod to shoot at them and he nodded in agreement

The drone began to fire at them as Will stared at the monitor in horror hoping Val would escape

"Stop! No! Don't hurt her please!" He began to shake off himself on the chair

Val and the two others were having a hard time trying to run away from the drone, and it ended up that Val was hit on the back

"No!!" Peter screamed in horror as he watxh Valkyrie dropped... Dead on the grass

Cris tried to help her but Al pulled her away and made a run for it

Peter cried at the scene, his heart feeling weak. Valkyrie is gone and he has no reason to live like this anymore

"Val... I'm sorry" He whispered constantly crying.

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