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Valkyrie's POV

Malcolm brought me to a safe room and kept me there while he  tries to find Tris and Four

I can hear some gun firing and some people screaming, I want to help but I couldn't put my baby at risk and I might lose her

Cristina barge in with a gun and there was a few blood on her

"Are you okay?" She ask and I nodded

She help me stand up carefully I grunt and my feets was shaking a bit

"It's okay, everything is fine now" She said as she leads me outside the house

There I saw dead bodies on the ground and some of the Dauntless were being tied up

My eyes searched for someone through the dead bodies that were aligned, but he wasn't there

Peter... Please be alright, my eyes searched the area but he wasn't anywhere, maybe he got away with Eric

"Val come with me I need to show you something" Tris approach me and leads me into a big room

She turned the light on and there was Peter tied in a chair with only the light above shows him

Cristina, Four, Tris and Malcolm was there too. As soon mine and Peter's eyes met I can only think about one thing

He is far from the guy I used to know.

"Oh look what a reunion" He sarcastically said as he glares at me

I wrapped my jacket tighter to my body as I stare at him with no  emotions

"What do you want Peter?" Tris ask

"I don't want anything stiff or is it that you want something from me?" He replied

"Informations" Cris said

"We want what you know Candor" She added

My eyes gaze at Malcolm who was holding a pistol as he gaze upon Peter, he must of noticed me because he shifted his gaze at me and his gaze became softer

He probably noticed I'm scared because my eyes says other wise so he walk towards me

"Val... Calm down he isn't gonna hurt you" He comforted me

I slowly nodded and my eyes shifted back to Peter who was staring at us deadly

Just then I heard gun shots, Four and Tris immediately went out to check it out while Cris pulled out a chair to let me sit

"Cris, Malcolm!" Tris called out for help

Malcolm and Cristina immediately run out to help them and I was left alone with him


There was a few moments of silence until he spoke

"It's been what, a month Blue?" He spoke

My eyes looks at him and he was sitting like a fucking king who doesn't give a shit about anything

"Who's that guy?" He asked

I think he was referring to Malcolm, still I didn't utter a word to him

"Are you mute?" He ask as hee tilt his head looking at me

"Get me out Blue, you don't want to see me getting killed by them right?"

Blue... Oh how I miss the way he calls me that but his no longer the same Peter Hayes that I knew the same guy I fell in love with

I sighed and stood up and untied him

"Get out Peter" I spoke as I point to the door

He stood up, fuck am I that stupid to actually let him go?

"Oh Blue..." He whisper

He come close at me, enough for him to caress my cheeks softly everything felt unreal I tried to catch my breath as he collided our foreheads together

I whimpered softly at his touch

"Shh" He cooed

"It's just me Blue..."

Someone barge in the room and push him away and when I opened my eyes it was Four, Tris and Cristina

I was in shock but Malcolm came and pulled me away from them

"You can fool my sister but you can't fool me Hayes" My brother said as he push him to the ground while Cris and Tris tied him

"Are you okay?" Malcolm ask me as he caressed my left cheeks

I nodded and I look through his eyes for confirmation that I'm really okay

"The baby" He look down at my belly

"The baby is fine Mal" I gave him a small smile

"Val get out of here" Tris said

Peter and I Exchange gazes and when his eyes landed on my stomach his eyes widened for a moment

And then his eyes shifted to Malcolm.

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