His Angel

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One night stand is all it took for a child to be appeared. Walking in with a baby in her arms to the head of the castle top throne room

"Damn you Asmedous!" She screamed in full fury he looked at her with a blank state

"Damn you Asmedous!" She screamed in full fury he looked at her with a blank state

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"What now."

"What?! What?!" He gave her the small infant

"That's what! That's our kid you fucking imbicel?! But I don't want anything to do with it." He scoffed looking down at the small girl who open her eyes and smiled then while placing the baby somewhere safe while he faced the woman

"So you don't want our child huh?" She scoffed disgusted flipping her hair taking out a cigarette and lighting it up

"As if I'm not gonna stop doing my shit cause of that garbage please I still have my time and not runt is keeping me in my place for it." That internally pissed him off this was his only heir to the whole lust empire and himself looking back at the sleeping peacefully child he knew what he had to do

"Well then baby if you don't want her then I guess someone has to be dealt with her don't they." She grinned

"Aww baby I knew you were gonna say the same thing." He smiled then evilly smirked snapping his fingers two guards grab the woman

"Wait what?! i thought..." He laughed walking over to hold his daughter in his arms cuddling up with her

"You thought wrong bitch, kill her." He demands grinning sadisticly his guards drag her mother as she screamed he looked back at his daughter smiling gently

"Hello my little girl." He ran his thumb gently over her small cheek

"Now with mama gone I'll make sure you grow up proper and to a royal status." He promised

"My small Blair Ivy Asmedous."

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