An Asmedous stands up

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Blair POV

Waking up this morning I felt as if I had my whole world with me so making a string of silk appeared over use I climb on it and swing

"Oh Benny wake up!" I made appeared an air horn and blasted it which scared Ben but groaned

"Blair.... really."

"What *giggles* this is how my daddy fizzy wakes up my daddy Asmedous." I blew it again Ben groaned quitely but hugged me, i got up to make breakfast for us, Ben got up put on his robe and hugs me from behind


"Yes my love?" I look up at him

"I was think I'm gonna make amends with the core especially Mal, i was truly nasty at them and I haven't even gave them a chance to know them." He was shocked but smiled kindly at me

"That's very noble of you Blair."

"Yeah well it's just once then If they reject me, they can go fuck themselves." I said honestly. After breakfast and a morning sex with Ben I got to goodness class wearing more well still sex appeal clothes but more descent

 After breakfast and a morning sex with Ben I got to goodness class wearing more well still sex appeal clothes but more descent

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"Children, excuse me. Um, as you know, uh, this Sunday is family day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to, uh, distance, we've arranged for a special treat."

I don't see anything, nor do I hear.


Is it... is it... is...

Press enter.

Can I please see a remote? Is this thing on? Ugh, It's broken. Ugh! I hate electronic equip... Oh!

Evie, It's mommy. Oh! Look how beautiful. Oh, you know what they say, the poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Don't you mean the weeds?

Ooh! Who's the old bat?

"This is Fairy Godmother."

Still doing tricks with eggplants?

"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage."

You really couldn't give Cinderella till one A.M.? I mean, really. What, the hamsters had to be back on their little wheels?

"They were mice! They were not... they were mice. They were not..."

"Thank you so much. Thank you."

"They were mice."

"Hi, mom."

Mal! I m-m-miss you.

You children are never far from our thoughts.

"I got it."

How long must mommy wait to see you?

"Um, there's a big coronation coming up. I think sometime probably after... that."


"Hey!" I walk up and gently placed Mal aside me

"Instead of snapping at her like that why not be actually genuine about at least seeing she's well instead of barking orders at her like a dog!" Mal and the core were shocked no one dared speak to her mom that way

Excuse me!

"No! You excuse me?! it's time for you to shut up and listen Mal doesn't deserve a mother that treats her this way no of them so. It's not their fault that you all couldn't either kept your legs closed or keep you cock in your pants. The core are amazing group of individuals who have their own life's ahead of them and are special in their own way and they don't deserve shitty fucked up like you four so how about you guys start showing them the least bit of respect and love they deserve before they actually have the minds to never speak to you all again!" Mal and the core smiled lightly turning to place a hand on my shoulder gently smiling i walk away when I see

"Now that's what I call telling shit how it is." I smiled brightly

"Daddies!" I ran into my father Asmedous arms and daddy fizz join in

"We came to get you for a shopping trip." I squealed smiling as my dad placed me down he makes a portal and we go out and we go to the expensive one cause daddy always bought me the best

"So how's seducing the prince going sweetie?"

"Um well it's gone great but um his actually fallen in love with me."

"Oof I think that potion work to well." My daddy fizz laughed but I stayed quiet I think daddy Asmedous picked up on it

"Sweetie pie, you fallen for him too haven't you?" I heard my daddy Asmedous ask me, I sighed deeply and turn to face them

"I have but i was just  supposed to seduce him but unlike anyone else his unique plus his great in bed."

"Okay I don't hear anything about it I still wanna keep a pure image of my only child in my mind." I giggled softly. Coming back home with a shit ton of new clothes sex items and objects when their was a knock at my door

"Come in." I sang twirling around and I see it's the core

"Oh hi what's up you four?"

"We came to thank you. No one ever spoken up to our parents like that for us."

"Look I'm sorry for being shitty towards you guys in the beginning mostly you mal i bet you thought of me total bitch but I understand sure my mom not around me but I have two greats dad that die before anything happens to me. Anyways Ben made me realize I don't have to act like a total bitch to everyone just to those who deserve it."

"Anyways we just wanted to say thanks." I nod waving goodbye.

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