A word with beast

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"My uncle has no reason to be in the Isle in the first place!" We had just gotten back to Auradon and I demanded a meeting with beast

"Blair his a villain."

"So?! His also part of my family which you should all know that since Ben marrying me uncle Hades is part of the sins family and it's BS that one of my family members is in the Isle!"


"No Ben! I'm not calming down Hades is very important person to me! His like my favorites uncle well along side aunt Bee-lzebub bitch knows how to party but that's beyond the point Ben I want Hades out the isle now!"

"Blair you know I can't do that!"

"Yes you can your the king."

"Blair I'm not doing it."

"Ugh! What the fuck! His my family Ben!" Then a guard came in

"Can you see we're having a discussion here!"

"Maleficent's scepter and the queen's crown have been stolen."

"Oh no."

"Oh great can you fucking do your job right!"

"Blair it wasn't their fault."

"Oh so the crown and specter walked away on their own hmmm I'm not discussing that matter with you right now I want Hades out now!"

"No Blair." I squealed angrily

" I squealed angrily

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and left. Back at my uncle Lucifer place I was chatting with Aunt Lilith

"You could not believe Aunt Lilith it's fucking muntiy and those poor incentcs souls have to suffer cause beast doesn't wanna let them out and mostly Ben being a fucking asshole still under his daddy ruling ugh."

"Now dear you have to keep a cool head remember and think about the kingdom and your subjects along the Isle."

"I know aunty Lilith but you and Uncle Luci always said family stuck together no matter what."

"Yes but you still have to find who took rightfully position sweet."

"Your right and I'm starting to get a real clearing on one person." I appeared back at Auradon

by evie place and felt her behind me

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by evie place and felt her behind me

"Oh if it isn't the jealous brat."

"You took what was rightfully mine."

"Oh please bicth it's not my fault your we're a whiny bitch that didn't please him the right way and I stole him from you." She tried to spell me but I was immune cause maleficent pitty powers didn't work on demon royalty

"You dumb bitch." I almost grab her but disappeared

"Yeah that's right keep running whore." Then the core and others came out

"Audrey's out for revenge, and all of Auradon is in danger." Said Mal

"What should we do?"

"The only thing more powerful than the scepter... is Hades' ember."

"Oh, like he's just gonna hand it over if you blew him back to the Isle."

"No one knows where his lair is."

"I do, I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's."

"You're coming."

"But I just got here."

"Hey be lucky you got chosen little girl."

"Blair." Mal step me back

"Whatever let's go I have enough problems that I need to resolve."

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