His baby girl ready time

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On a bench Ben was sitting down with Blair sitting on his lap

"My winner." Blair kiss him over and over again

"I couldn't have done it with out your inspiration in the morning." Ben ran his hand over her lap

"Oh baby so how about I give you a reward for winning." Blair placed his hand on her breast while she ran her hand over his clothed dick

"Oh yeah?"

"Absolutely baby you deserve after all." She purrs

"Okay I'll meet you in your room"

"It's a date." She got off him once last kiss before he completely left but she knew someone was watching and laughed

"Okay daughter of maleficent I know your there come out." She heard a groan and out from behind a tree was her

"What you get off watching people make out or what you perverted freak?"

"How? He's not even spelled." She laughed

"Spelled or not sweetheart Ben been getting my mouth most on him when I step in this place."

"Huh?" Blair groaned annoyed

"You poor virgin bitch, Ben being fucking me the moment I step foot here, you know his dick in my pussy." Mal groaned disgusted

"So you seducted him."

"So what it's called game sweetheart, if you don't have it then too bad but I do look at me just age 14, breast medium big and perky perfect, pussy shaved hairless and an image off all boys cocks raising believe me im what all boys wish to fuck have bend over and cum all over me and that's ben now if you excuse me this girl has a date to get ready for." Walking away but she stop

"Oh and Mal if you and your core don't stop trying to get the wand make sure and believe I'll fucking have you and those motherfuckers along with your parents killed." Blair looked back with a deadly grin but Mal glared back

"You don't scare me." Blair sighed softly and with a swift move she had mal against a tree pointing a gun she had on her person straight under her chin with force Mal was shocked

"Now what was it that you said because I don't fucking think I heard you correctly." Blair glocked the gun an Mal gulp scared and stayed quiet

"Good." Blair let's Mal go and walks back to her room getting everything ready she looks at herself in the mirror when she started remembering all the guys she had before Ben and what they did after Blair tears up but she knew she always just fuck them over eventually or kill them even but Ben was sweet, kind and might actually love her so she decided to prove that she could be a loving girlfriend and show Ben that she does have an innocent side making her room an appropriate and romantic setting

" Blair let's Mal go and walks back to her room getting everything ready she looks at herself in the mirror when she started remembering all the guys she had before Ben and what they did after Blair tears up but she knew she always just fuck them ...

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she wore an appropriate but still revealing dress

cooking a meal for her and Ben, Blair wanted to make sure their night was special then their was a knock on the door

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cooking a meal for her and Ben, Blair wanted to make sure their night was special then their was a knock on the door

"Come in." She spoke sweetly she see Ben all well dress with a bouquet of roses

" She spoke sweetly she see Ben all well dress with a bouquet of roses

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"Oh Benny you shouldn't have." Blair walks over and and takes the rose placing them in a vase

"Nothing too good for my princess." He walked over and hugged her from behind kissing her neck lightly

"Well I hope your hungry cause I made dinner."

"Oh my good girl." She walks him over and he sits down Blair watched Ben enjoyed his meal while she rubs his shoulder

"Baby can I ask you a question?"

"Yes dear?" He asked wiping his mouth with a napkin she sits on his lap

"What was the first thing you noticed about me that attracted to you?"

"Well I guess it must have been your entrance well show and yourself the ability you don't care what others think and just you being yourself." That made her blush with such adoration

"Oh baby you really noticed that about me?"

"Absolutely everything about you makes me go wild i never felt that way about anyone before." She placed a hand on his cheek lightly smiling rubbing her thumb gently

"Oh Ben."

"Blair I think I'm falling in love with you." That shocked her but she couldn't be more happier so she straddled him and kissed him with force Ben was shocked but kissed her back with such passion he picked her up and he walked them to her bed gently laying Blair down without breaking the kiss

"I love you Ben Beast." Ben was stunned but smiled sweetly

"And I love you Blair Ivy Asmedous."

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