To get her father blessing

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Asmedous POV

My baby was making me proud showing her self off and making people now their place

"I can't believe our little girl is being the most bitchiest and naughtiest of Lust, Asmedous."

"I knew my little girl could rule with an iron fist."

"Sir?" An imp came over


"Their a human here to see you."

"Oh must be my daughter boyfriend let him in." She nods quickly going over and let's him in

"Hello Mr. Asmedous and Mr. Fizzorali."

"What do you want kid, you already have our daughter."

"Well I'm actually I came to um...."

"Speak up beast."

"I came to asked you for her hand in marriage." Fizzy spat out the water he had drink and my mind goes blank

"Okay, your cute kid so what's the real deal here?"

"I want to marry you daughter."

"Look Ben my little baby is precious to me sure she had guys come and go but you seem serious so hmmm." I gave it a thought

"Fine I'll give you my blessings."

"What?!" Fizz looked at me as if I lost my mind

"But let me warn you especially Ben." I walked over and started to flame up

"If you dare fuck over my baby girl me and especially fizz will KILL YOU! got it."

"Yes sir." He squeaked scared I made a portal appear and pushed him in back to the world above then closed it up

"Ozzie are you sure?"

"Fizz the kid loves our baby girl and I know Blair love him too so I'm giving it a minimal trust."


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