Bye Goody goody hi baby

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Sitting in the bleachers having Ben number on my cheek painted I had on special anti potion on my lipstick for when he kissed me again, Ben would be out of the love spell and love me actually.

"This is a nail-biter, folks. There's 47 seconds left on the clock. We're all tied up. The Sherwood falcons, two. The fighting knights, two. What a game between Auradon's fiercest rivals. The teams get into their huddles and take up positions along the kill zone. Akiho! The dragoneers have been laying down a withering hail of fire. He's bringing that hothead Jay in from the Isle of the Lost and that little guy Carlos can barely hold a shield. When they break from their huddles, this is gonna be a big moment here. And the tipoff is ready. Here we go. Long pass goes to Jay. Jay dishes off to prince Ben. Nice little block by Carlos. He does a little dancing jig in his opponent's face. And now Jay gets the ball back. Here comes Jay! Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field. Jay makes a nice pass to Prince Ben through the kill zone."

"Wow go Ben!" I shout happily waving a pair of pom poms for him of his and I mix colors

"Big block by Chad! Prince Ben moves over wide, gives it back to Jay. He's in the clear! Shot!
Oh, what a save by Philip the Faalcons' goalkeeper! 23 seconds left. You could cut the tension with a sword. The long ball is played into Jay. Jay, great jump, great leap. And a great move by Jay. Big block from Chad. Jay dishes off to Prince Ben. And then Carlos with a big block, goes down. Jay through the kill zone, picks up Carlos. Oh, he's being hammered by dragon fire. Still, going on. Jay, hurdling maneuver at mid-field. He's in the clear. The ball goes back to Jay. He passes to prince Ben. He scores! Prince Ben has won it! What an unselfish play by Jay! What a team! Incredible! And it's the new guys, Jay and Carlos, who set up the prince for the win here." We all cheered

"What a victory! An absolutely wonderful end to one of the best games ever. Here they come, folks. The winners of the first tourn..."

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention, please?" Ben spoke I knew what he was about to say grinning sadisticly but victoriously

"There's something I'd like to say. Give me an "B."


"Give me an "L."


"Give me an "A."


"Give me an "I."


"Give me an "L."


"What's does that spell?"


"Come on, I can't hear you!"


"I love you, Blair! Did I mention that?" I fake swoon for him placing my hand on my chest but smirked dangerously over at Mal who glared my way but looked away scared when I glared with intestinally placing a smile on my face

"Uno, dos, tres, quatro!"

Ben (everyone)
Did I mention that I'm in love with you?
And did I mention there's nothing I can do
And did I happen to say?
I dream of you everyday
But let me shout it out loud, if that's okay ay ay
If that's okay
I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for her and I won't never stop
I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me
But now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knees
Because my love for you is ridiculous
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it could be like this
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's (Ridiculous!)
Just (Ridiculous!)
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss
Well did I mention that I'm in love with you
And did I mention there's nothing I can do
And did I happen to say?
I dream of you everyday
But let me shout it out loud, if that's okay ay ay
(Yeah!) If that's okay
I gotta know which way to go, c'mon gimme a sign
You gotta show me that you're only ever gonna be mine
Don't want to go another minute livin' without you
Cause if your heart just isn't in it, I don't know what I'd do
Because my love for you is ridiculous
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it could be like this
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's (Ridiculous!)
Just (Ridiculous!)
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss, c'mon now!
Alright! (Hey!)
Alright! (Hey!)
Because my love for you is ridiculous
I never knew
(Who knew?)
That it could be like this
My love for you is ridiculous
My love is R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
It's (Ridiculous!)
Just (Ridiculous!)
And I would give my kingdom for just one kiss, c'mon now!

In front of me

"I love you, Blair! Did I mention that?" I squealed hugging him as he held me close our foreheads touch that's when that bitch came over

"Chad's my boyfriend now! And I'm going to the coronation with him. So I don't need your pity date." She kissed the blonde idiot but I scoffed quitely turned Ben to face me and we kissed passionately I kept my eyes open showing her what I have now when we part i licked my lips

"Ohh did he not get the reaction you want slut." I laughed a bit sinisterly as she ran off crying

"Blair? Will you go to the coronation with me?"

"Yes!" I screamed with joy

"She said yes!"

"Let's go, Ben. The whole team's waiting for you."

"Yeah. See ya later." I placed both my hands on his cheeks

"Absolutely baby." He leaves

"What a victory. What a day for the Auradon knights, finally winning back the trophy after so many years." Not only was she the princess of Narcotics lust and sex has her now name on the kingdom of goodness I silently but sinisterly laugh inside

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