Hades And Blair

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Blair POV

"Benny I want the theme of our wedding to be love and lust combined our kingdoms should have a full eyes view of it."

"What do you mean?"

"Baby your getting married to me which is huge in lust and in the 7 rings of hell even my uncle luficer is shocked daddy Asmedous would have his princess married to a king from above." I make a clipboard appeared

"Now what type of lingerie should I get for the honeymoon or maybe we should just be nude." I see Ben blushed majorly

"Uh maybe we should put that topic when we're alone."

"Oh please ben talking about sex out loud is not new for." When we got to the Isle I didn't bother getting out the limo I was making a list of the stuff will need for the wedding which I think I had a wedding list made when I was 9 I called an imp assistant of mine and make them teleported to me so I could review it then everyone came back along with the new Vks elk began to leave

"Oh good your back oh hi all new vks anyways Ben I was thinking all my male cousins would want to chat with you."

"All male cousins."

"Well uncle Lucifer had a son and daughter but she's busy doing I don't know what but I do only have male cousins and their very over protective of my ass so they wanna meet my future hubby."


"Yeah isn't it great I mean since your marrying me and they are family."

"It's Hades! Stop the car, he's trying to escape!"

"Wait Hades?!" I asked confused as we all got out the limo

"I AM A GOD! I don't belong here!!"

"Ah!" I ran fast and jump on him tackling him into the ground

"Uncle Hades what the hell I haven't seen you since I was a tot!" I squealed smiling

"Blair? Oh Asmedous kid I should have know." I help him up

"But wait what are you doing here? I thought you had the underworld ruling so what the fuck?"

"Tell that to beast and Zeus."

"Ohhh that's so fucking urking i'm get married and I want my entire family there I was gonna have you there too but you here oh is beast gonna here about this."

"That's my favorite niece."

"Ohh is Ben dad gonna get mauled." I walk out the isle angry

"Blair are you..."

"Everyone in the fucking limo now."

"Wow Blair we just."

"I don't give a fuck of what just happened right now! In the limo now!" I take Ben by the ear hard

"Ow Blair."

"You me and your father have a small chat to have now." We get in the limo and leave.

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