To see Hades

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Once I made sure we got to the Isle I had contacted my cousins for assistance

"I thought phones didn't work in the Isle?" Asked the girl

"Um duh this is a hell iPhone burner the new expensive one daddy got me anyways chop chop kid we need to go see Uncle Hades and I have others coming."

"Others who did?" Then six portals opened and I squealed smiling seeing Lincoln, Matt, Levi, Blake, Aero and Brandon

"Cousins!" I hug each one

"You said you needed assistance dear cousin."

"Yes I do Lincoln there's this mean bitch name Audrey that stole what was supposed to be rightfully mine and now we need uncle Hades help." I pout

"Uncle Hades is in this dump? That's why the fucker miss our birthdays."

"Well let's go." I nod and we go to the door of the kid place walking in it looked fun

"Oh this place reminds me of Luu-Luu land!" I said excitedly

"Uh, guys? Come look at this." Carlos called us over and on TV

There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way? It's moving this way!

"Oh that's it! This bitch I getting it when I have my hands on her." As we head straight to uncle Hades place

"Hmmm yes this does see where uncle Hades would stay." Said Lincoln

"Anyways come let's go in." Walking in it was ready dark and we go and see him asleep

"Okay we have to be really..."

"UNCLE HADES!" I screamed loud enough he screamed waking up looking around

"Yeah your awake."

"Geez kid warn someone next will ya."

"Yeah yeah yeah anyways come on." I grab his hand and we began to leave

"Wow wow wow where do you think your going with him?" Mal stopped us

"Um Auradon we do need him."

"We need the ember."

"Exactly dumbass if we take the ember alone it's not gonna work cause he's the only one that can use it or what you know one of his spawns. You do have kids right?" I asked him

"Yeah the one right in front of you." He points at Mal

"Wait you're his daughter!"


"So then what the fuck wouldn't you want him out with you Mal."

"That's not important right now Blair, we need the ember."

"Ugh fine." I turned to uncle Hades

"Uncle Hades would you please, please, please let us borrow the ember cause the Jealous psychopathic ex of my future hubby has gone nuts and taken what was gonna be blessed with."

"Alright kid I trust you." He hands it to me

"Great." I turned to Mal

"Some daughter you are." I said snarky walking away

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Once they all leave Hades see a portal to a lust room and walking in he see a succubus waiting

"Hello Sir." Then a note appeared in his hand

Enjoy your stay uncle Hades

Love 💕 Blair 💕

"Man that's why she's my favorite." He smiled the portal closed behind him freed from the Isle and ready to have some fun.

Blair POV

Smirking internally I knew I did uncle Hades a favor getting him out that fucking Isle while leaving we turned and we all see three others jumping out before it closed immediately

"Ha. We made it, We made it. Hey, guys, we just come for a... wee visit."

"Huh no stop who the fuck are you three?"

"Blair get away from them their dangerous." Said Mal I scoffed laughing

"Them dangerous to a demon bitch like me please now I asked again what the fuck are your names?"

"Hey Harry isn't she the girl on the poster you had in your hand when I walked in on you." I smirked lightly while the boy who named Harry hits on the shoulder to the other boy embarrassed

"Shut up."

"What it's true."

"Oh don't be embarrassed many boys jerk off to to many of my pictures online or with posters."

"Okay we do not wanna know about that Blair." Said Levi as my others cousins looked gross out

"Oh shut the fuck up I'm daughter of lust what the fuck You expect virtue dumbasses."

"Anyways I'm Uma daughter of Ursula he's Gil son of Gaston and the other is Harry Hook son Captain Hook."

"Well I'm Blair Ivy Asmedous daughter of The King of lust Asmedous and Fizzoralli anyways let's go."

"Wow we are not taking them with us."

"Why the fuck not?"

"Why? Um let's not forget they weren't invited for one and two you don't know what they have plan."

"Oh like Ben didn't know you four were trying to steal the wand let the barrier down and how did that turn out." They became quite

"Anyways why wouldn't they wanna leave that shithole behind I mean that little girl over their was soo happy to get the fuck out along with the others so what's the difference with them"

"We can't trust them."

"Oh whatever Mal as soon as this is all over I'm bringing down the fucking shit completely anyways."

"What?" They all were shocked

"We'll yeah you don't expect this little girl not to see her father again plus it's good for the Isle."

"I like her."

"Come on let's get going."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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