First Kencounter

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Penelope felt absolutely giddy. The pool party had only just started to kick off, and she was already having a great time. She'd never had so much fun. Then again, she'd only existed for about an hour now.

Everyone was in swimwear despite the pool being completely solid. Stereotypical Barbie let Penny borrow one of her old swimsuits as Mattel had yet to design any outfits for Penny. They likely never would, but Penny didn't know that. After Penny changed into the swimsuit, she realized it was a perfect fit.

'Huh,' she thought with a smile, 'I'll need to let Allan know I can fit into all of Barbie's clothes.'

As the party began to take hold, the Barbies gathered around Penny, who was sitting on an inflatable duck in the middle of the pool, and began to ask her random questions that popped into their heads. 

"So, how are you liking Barbieland so far, Penny?" President Barbie inquired.

"I'm liking it a lot. It's a paradise," Penny answered.

"Do you like dancing?" Lawyer Barbie asked next, interjecting after she was done responding. 

"Absolutely, I do!" She replied happily.

Barbie let out an enthusiastic gasp, "That's perfect! I have one of my blowout parties planned for tomorrow night. I can teach you the choreography for the dances tomorrow."

"I'd love that. I'm sure you have an abun-dance of knowledge you can teach me." Penny joked, causing the Barbies to laugh.

The party continued into the evening until the Barbies started to call it a night. They all said their goodnights to Penny, telling her that they loved meeting her and couldn't wait to see her tomorrow. Soon it was just Barbie and Penny left.

"Since you're new, you probably don't have a dreamhouse or anything yet, right? If you want, you can stay at my Glam Getaway House™ until Mattel gets you a playset," Barbie suggested, wanting her new friend to be comfortable. 

"Are you sure?" Penny questioned, unsure if that would be overstepping.

"Absolutely! We're friends after all. I'd let you stay here with me, but I only have the one bed."

"That would be amazing. I'd really appreciate that." Penny smiled.

"It's near the beach. It's pink and white. The door is pink, and part of its shaped like a flower with my silhouette in the center." Barbie described.

Penny fought back a smile. "Don't worry, now that I know it's near the beach I'm sure I'll 'sea' it. Penny stated as seriously as she could.

Barbie laughed, "You're hilarious. I love you so much."

Penny was beaming. Happy she made her laugh. The two said goodnight, and Penny went to find this getaway house Barbie told her about.

As she was walking along the beach, she noticed Barbie's Ken staring at the plastic waves, lost in thought. Penny noticed he looked distant and upset, and so she walked over to him.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She asked in an attempt to cheer him up.

Ken jumped, not expecting anyone to be out, turned to her, and put his hand out like he was going to karate chop whoever had snuck up on him. When he realized it was her, only then did he process what she said. He blinked at her, causing Penny to explain her sad attempt at a joke. "Get it? Cause I'm Penny... and I'm asking you what you're thinking about."

Ken did not get it.

Penny felt a little discouraged at that. What if she wasn't funny enough? Would Barbie stop being her friend? What would happen to her then?

Penny tried again. "'Whale' I guess that wasn't that funny. But I thought it was better than trying to 'wave' in front of you to get your attention. Good on you though, you stayed true to yourself and didn't laugh just because of 'pier' pressure"

Ken smiled, chuckling a bit, those puns being more his speed. Penny's fear washed away. She was thankful that she was able to get him to smile.

"Everything okay?" Penny asked, getting back to the original intention she had when walking over to him.

"I hope so," he replied. "I just don't know what to do if it isn't."

Sensing he didn't want to go into detail, Penny did her best to comfort him. "I understand that. It's terrifying. But all we can do is push forward. Even if it isn't alright, you'll get through it. I know it. And hey, if you ever need to talk or vent, you can always talk to me. I know you barely know me, but I promise I'll do my best to help."

Her words meant everything to Ken. He couldn't think of a time someone offered their help to him. He felt himself become calmer at her words. Even if he lost Barbie, he'd have someone by his side. Though it wouldn't be his Barbie, it wouldn't be Barbie and Ken, he'd at least have someone there.

"Thank you." Ken replied, "That means a lot."

"Anytime, Ken," Penny responded, "I hope everything turns out okay."

"Me too, but even if it doesn't, I have a feeling I'll be alright." He smiled lightly, feeling slightly better about himself and his situation.

"I know you will be." Penny smiled. "Goodnight, Ken."

"Goodnight, Penny. I'll see you tomorrow?" he tried to sound confident, but it came out more as a question.

"You will," Penny assured, heading off to continue looking for Barbie's Glam Getaway House™. 

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