Kenjoy the Party

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Once Barbie was done helping Penny get ready, Penny took some time to examine her look. The top was made of silver sequins. At her waist, there was a red bow at her side, and the dress changed to a soft, bright yellow fabric that flowed out at the bottom. The dress was longer in the back, and the front of the dress ended just past her knees. She wore white pearlescent stiletto sandals that completed the look.

Once she was done, she turned to Barbie and quickly wrapped her arms around her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! It's perfect!"

Barbie laughed and reciprocated the hug instantly. "I'm so glad you like it. You look absolutely beautiful in it. Oh! You know what? You should keep it!"

Penny was taken back and tried to protest, "No, I couldn't. This is yours. I couldn't take it from you."

"No, I want you to have it," Barbie insisted. 

Penny was still hesitant, but Barbie gave her a look that said she'd not change her mind. Penny thanked her profusely, and Barbie went to get into her own dress. When Barbie revealed her outfit to Penny, Penny once again complimented Barbie and told her she looked stunning. 

They heard the music start up outside. Barbie grabbed Penny's hand excitedly, and the two ran out of her dreamhouse. Once outside, Penny could feel an overwhelming sense of awe. There were so many people already there. The dance floor was lit up brightly, and the music blared. There were a few Kens and Barbies already dancing.

Barbie turned to Penny and told her she wanted to say hi to everyone before the big dance number. They both went their separate ways, and Penny felt herself wandering around, marveling over all the different outfits and colors that could be seen.

"Penny!" She heard someone call. She glanced around for the source of the noise before spotting Allan making his way toward her through the sea of Barbies and Kens. 

"Allan!" Penny responded, meeting him halfway. "You look great! I love the suit!"

"Thanks, it's Ken's," Allan replied. "You look great as well. Your dress is beautiful."

"Thanks, it's Barbie's," Penny teased. "Or well, I guess it's mine now. She said I could keep it."

Allan smiled, glad everyone was treating Penny well. 

"By the way, do you have an extra cot at your house?" Penny asked suddenly. "Barbie said I could stay at her getaway house, but Ken's already staying there. I was hoping to find an extra bed somewhere so neither of us would have to leave."  

"Uh, I've actually been sleeping in one of Barbie's camping tents."

Penny was shocked by this, "Wait! You don't have your own playset or house either?" 

"No?" Allan said with quiet confusion.

"That's horrible. Mattel must be really backed up on these houses. Well, if they come out with mine first, you are welcome to stay with me and Ken."

Allan knew Mattel wouldn't come out with a house or playset for him or Ken. He also doubted Penny would ever get her own, but he couldn't bear to break the news to her. Instead, he asked, "Ken?"

"Yeah, Sterotypical Barbie's Ken. I promised he could stay with me when I get my house." Penny smiled, "Everyone deserves to have a place they can call home. Though I hope it's big enough. It might be hard to fit three people into a small house, but either way, we'll make it work."

Allan laughed. He couldn't believe how kind and giving his friend was. 

"What's funny?" Penny asked, trying to figure out if she subconsciously told a joke.

"Nothing." Allan replied, "You're truly kind, you know that?"

"Really? I'm kind? And here I was thinking that I'm Penny." She quipped, trying to ignore and deflect his compliment. 


When Ken arrived, he immediately tried to find Barbie. When he finally did, she greeted him with a smile and a cheery 'Hi Ken!' but before he could utter anything she had already moved on to talk to more Barbies. Seeing he wouldn't be able to get close to her, he walked away in search of Penny. 

It didn't take him long to find her. He saw her talking to and laughing with Allan. He made his way towards the two. 

"Hey-" Before Ken could finish his greeting, the song changed, and all the Barbies and Penny made their way to the dance floor. 

Sometimes the Kens would join in on the choreography, picking it up while watching the Barbies. But that rarely happened. And this time, it looked to be that there was no room for Kens on the dance floor.


Penny was nervous as she stepped in between President Barbie and Stereotypical Barbie. Everyone was watching her. 

When the intro to the song ended, and the beat dropped, all of them moved in tandem. Keeping up the pace with the others, Penny moved effortlessly. All Kens and Allan were on the side, cheering for the women. 

It continued this way until just before the end. All the Barbies took quick side steps to the left before kicking and turning. However, Penny was too slow on the steps, and her kick and turn were delayed slightly. 

Her face fell. It seems she didn't practice it enough. 

The only one to notice her mistake was Allan. The Kens were all too focused on the Barbies. Allan didn't think much of it until he saw her expression afterward. He could see how upset she was. 

When they finally finished and struck the final pose, all the Barbies and Kens cheered and celebrated. The party had officially kicked off, and everyone had joined them on the dance floor. Penny looked around with a sham of a smile, shrugging off all the praises she received from passing Barbies and Kens.

Allan went up to her immediately. 

"Penny, that was amazing! You were great out there." He said more confidently than he had ever spoken before.

Penny felt her mood improve drastically. "Thanks, Allan. I messed up though, on one of the last steps."

"You did? I was watching the entire time, and I didn't see that. I bet no one else did either."

Penny smiled. "You're truly kind, you know that?" She said, repeating his words from earlier. 

"Really, I'm kind? And here I was thinking that I'm Allan." 

Penny laughed and slung her arm over his shoulder, pulling him with her toward the center of the dance floor. 

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