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The two sat in silence for hours, and despite not uttering a word to each other, they both found themselves at peace. Before either of them knew it, the sun had gone down. It was time for Penny to go. 

She stood up and stretched. Her sudden movement caused Ken to peer up at her with a questioning look. 

"Sorry," Penny said, "I promised Barbie I'd go to girls' night tonight." Ken's eyes grew wide as he suddenly remembered something. He grabbed his phone and saw he had one notification. 

Penny hesitated before continuing, "Ken, will you be okay on your own for a bit? I can text Barbie and tell her I can't come?"

"No!" Ken yelled, causing her to jump slightly. She was a little startled by his sudden outburst. Ken's eyes grew wide with embarrassment. He coughed lightly to cover up his mistake before continuing with a fraudulent, put-up, cool manner "I mean, you should go. It'll be alright."

Deciding to let it go, she asked, "Are you sure?" She searched his face for any sign that would betray his words. She didn't find one. 

"I'm sure." He nodded. 

She felt relief wash over her. She smiled, "Okay, then I'm going. I'll see you tonight." She slipped her shoes back on and began to walk off.

After she took a few more steps, Ken stood up quickly, almost losing his balance. "Penny! Wait!" She halted in her step and half turned around. He ran to catch up with her. "Let me walk you to Barbie's."

Penny grinned, "Alright, let's go!" 

The two walked side-by-side down the empty streets. Due to the other's presence, neither doll paid attention to how unsettling an empty Barbieland felt. Instead, the two felt calm. Penny could feel her mood improving. 

She looked at Ken out of the corner of her eye and gave him a small smile, breaking the silence, "Why were there no eggs at breakfast?"

Ken was fighting a smile of his own and tried to keep a straight face. He should at least wait for the joke before he starts laughing. 

"They were all whisked away."

At the arrival of the punchline, he finally began to laugh. He hadn't heard her joke all day. He was glad her usually cheery demeanor was back. 

As they continued walking to Barbie's house, Penny told as many jokes as time would allow. The jokes themselves were becoming increasingly idiotic and random as she'd look around and search for any source of inspiration. Eventually, she even told a joke about the sidewalk. 

Though the jokes became worse and worse, it only encouraged their laughter. Soon, the eeriness that filled the empty streets of Barbieland was washed away and replaced with the sounds of joy coming from Ken and Penny.

As the two continued their way down Barbie Lane, a Ken sitting on the roof of one of the Barbies' dreamhouses spotted them through a pair of binoculars. 

"Barbies! Kens! They're almost here," He shouted. 

"Okay, everyone get into your positions!" Barbie shouted.

Barbies and Kens ran in every direction. Barbies got into their positions quickly, and a few Kens screamed from the excitement and chaos occurring, before hiding behind the buildings. Allan, who was up on a ladder, shouted "What?!" Wait, the banner's not up yet!" 

He looked around for someone who could help him finish the banner. Unfortunately, everyone was already hidden. "Oh crap," he muttered, before hurriedly picking up the final end of the banner and taping it quickly to the streetlamp he was leaning against. It was a little crooked, but it was good enough. He had to hide. 

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