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During the party, Allan and Penny were eventually separated as they danced with those around them. While dancing, Penny made sure to ask everyone around her if they had an extra bed. To her disappointment, it seemed no one had any available. It turned out that all the playsets only came with one bed. She made sense when she thought about it, with them all being houses for one person.

When the party ended, the Kens all went up to their retrospective Barbies to say goodnight. Meanwhile, Allan went up to Penny to tell her what he had found out.

"I found out who had an extra bed," Allan told her.

"Really! Who?" Penny asked, excited to hear the good news.

"Doctor Barbie. It's not really a bed, but an examination table. She said that Mattel has come out with multiple playsets for her, and she had more than she needs."

"That's perfect, Allan! Thank you for asking around for me. You didn't have to do that."

"Well, we both know if you didn't find an extra bed, you'd insist Ken took the bed. I didn't want you sleeping on the ground."

"Don't you sleep on the ground? What? The ground too good for me? You're the only one allowed." Penny joked.

"I sleep in a tent with a comfortable sleeping bag and pillow. You'd be on the ground ground." He responded.

Penny looked behind Allan, noticing most of the Barbies enter Barbie's house and most of the Kens start to leave. "Oh no! The ground ground! Who could bear it?! Thank you, kind Allan, for saving me from the dreaded ground ground." She dramatized.

"No problem. Glad to be of service." Allan responded, smiling slightly at her theatrics.

The only Ken and Barbie left were the only ones she really spent any time with. As she continued talking to Allan, she couldn't help but notice that after Barbie said something to Ken, his expression turned sad. He still wore a smile on his face as he gazed lovingly at Barbie, but she could tell something was wrong. She remembered when they first talked at the beach yesterday night. Whatever was bothering him hadn't improved.

"I'll bring the examination table over to your place while you're at girls' night," Allan said.

"You don't have to do that. I can get it." Penny responded, still watching Ken. Barbie turned away from him and walked towards where she and Allan were. Ken just stood, staring at where Barbie once was.

"I don't mind. After the party, you're gonna want to go straight to bed."

"No, honestly. I don't think-"

"Penny!" Barbie called, continuing her way towards the two. "Come on! We're all ready for girls' night!

"Actually Barbie, I think I'll have to skip tonight."

Allan looked at her confused, while Barbie's smile dropped, causing Penny to panic. She was supposed to make sure Barbie always kept a smile on her face.

"Why! Is everything okay? Are you alright?" Barbie asked with concern.

Penny smiled brightly, hoping her smile would somehow cause Barbie's to reappear. "Everything's okay, I promise. I just have to do something before bed."

Barbie smiled once again, "Okay, I'm glad you're alright. I'll see you tomorrow." Allan opened his mouth to tell Penny he could do it, but Penny slightly nudged him. He kept quiet, knowing that was her telling him not to say anything.

"See you then. Goodnight, Barbie."

"Goodnight, Penny," Barbie replied.

"Goodnight, Barbie," Allan said, adding himself to the goodbyes.

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