Network Kennectivity Problems

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Today, Penny was determined to repair things between Ken and Barbie. She made plans to meet up with Barbie at the beach. After they met up they'd go watch a movie at the theater. Penny originally thought the theater was just for decoration, but Barbie had been adamant and insisted that there were actual movies shown there.

This was her plan. First, Penny would hang out with Ken at the beach. Then when Barbie arrived, Allan would call Penny over to him when she gave the signal. That would give Ken and Barbie a little time alone. If things all went to plan, she'd go further and say Allan needed help with something and ask Barbie if they could go to the movies another day. Then she'd suggest that maybe Barbie could go with Ken instead.

Penny sat at the edge of her pathetic attempt at a bed, waiting for Ken to wake up before she started her day. He'd always waited for her to come home, the least she could do was wait for him to wake up. Besides, she found herself thinking about what Ken had said the other day. She didn't like the thought of leaving him alone if she could help it.

She looked out, staring through the white window at the lifeless trees in front of their home. It was only ten minutes or so until she heard the sound of the covers moving. Looking over, she saw Ken curled up in his sheets. He rolled over, facing her, his eyes still closed.

He opened them slowly, and the two watched one another for a moment.

It was silent. Penny didn't dare utter a word in case Ken was still tired and fell back asleep. Meanwhile, Ken's tired mind was attempting to process her presence before him and figure out if she was truly there.

Once he had finally woken up enough, and realized she was there before him, he softly muttered out a greeting with a tired voice, "Hey, Penny."

She matched his volume, knowing he was still not quite awake yet, "Morning, Ken."

"What are you doing here? You're usually gone by now." He asked.

She smiled softly. "You always wait for me before you end the day. It's only fair that I wait for you before I start it."

Ken couldn't help the grin that came to his face at that.

The two got up and did some last-minute touch-ups before they left for the beach. When they arrived, they passed Allan. Penny gave him a subtle nod, which he returned. 

Ken kept his focus on Penny, while Penny scanned the edge of the sand, waiting for Barbie's arrival.

After a few moments, Ken excused himself and said he'd be right back. Penny was hesitant to let him leave. If Barbie showed up while he was gone, everything might not go as planned.

Luckily, he was true to his word and returned quickly with an ice cream cone in each of his hands. He handed her one.

"Ice cream!" She cheered. "Thank you, Ken. That was 'wafflely' 'ice' of you."

"My pleasure, Penny," He replied with a laugh.

It wasn't long after that when Barbie pulled up to the beach in her car. She parked and got out, looking for Penny.

She spotted her to the side, laughing with Ken, and walked over.

As she approached, Penny noticed her and once again nodded at Allan. He returned the nod before trying to act casually as he waited for the signal.

"Hi, Penny!"

"Hi, Barbie!"

"Hi, Barbie!" Ken chimed in.

"Hi, Ken! You ready to go, Penny?" Barbie asked.

Ken kept his happy exterior up, but inside he felt his heart become heavy as if being shot full of lead.

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