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The party was in full swing. All the Barbies, Kens, Midge, and Allan were all dressed up and enjoying the music. Penny was currently in a mini circle with Barbie, Doctor Barbie, Lawyer Barbie, and Physicist Barbie. The five were laughing and jumping to the beat of the music. The conversation drifted everywhere as they talked about everything, with Penny interjecting now and then to tell one of her bad jokes.

It was almost time for the big dance sequence, and Penny was silently cursing herself for not practicing more. She met Allan's eyes from across the way, and he gave her a bright grin and a double thumbs up. She returned his gestures by pretending to lick her finger before pressing it to her skin and mimicking hissing. He silently gasped before fanning his face with his hand. She smiled, laughing to herself.

The song ended and everyone gave excited looks to each other and went to their starting places. Penny moved quickly to get to her spot next to Barbie, taking a deep breath to calm herself and shake away any nerves.

The song started and everyone quickly kicked off into the routine. Everything was going well. She was in sync with everyone and made it to her places at the right times. Out of the corner of her eye, Penny noticed Ken watching, but she didn't look. She couldn't get distracted.

She wouldn't ruin this. They all were working hard. Just because she was clumsy didn't mean she could mess this up for them.

But so far everything had been perfect, and the Kens joined in at the right time.

"Hi, Barbie." She overheard Other Ken say to Barbie.

"Hi, Ken."

Penny twirled to the left, before seeing Other Ken's hand in front of her.

This wasn't in the choreography.

"Looking good, Penny." He complimented.

Penny's smile was filled with uneasiness as she took his hand. "Thanks, Ken." What was she supposed to do now? She followed Other Ken's lead as he spun her around, before guiding her to her next mark. He let go of her hand and joined back up with a few other Kens near the front next to Barbie. Relief filled Penny as everything got back to how it was when they practiced it. She let out a breath of relief, unaware that Ken had been unhappily watching the exchange.

Ken joined up next to Barbie. Penny chanced a quick glance and saw his giddy expression. Penny smiled to herself sadly.

A quick flash of white brought Penny out of her thoughts. That's not what she should see at this point in the dance. She was in the wrong spot. As she saw Other Ken set up for his flip, and she quickly got into position on the other side of the street.

"Hey, Barbie, check me out!" Other Ken called. He quickly began his flip, Penny rushing to keep up. She did well enough to match his flip and make sure they crossed each other at the center, but the landing was shaky. Her heel turned and she almost fell before catching herself.

Dammit, she was so close.

"Bet you can't do a flip like that, Ken."

"What?!" Ken shouted. His loud noise was enough to make Penny jump and look over to him. She was about to check if everything was okay, but both of her hands were grabbed, one by Barbie and the other by Author Barbie. They and a few other Barbies formed a circle, and they spun around, starting a conversation.

"This is a real rager, Barbie." Author Barbie complimented.

"Thanks, Barbie. Gosh! This night is just perfect." Barbie exclaimed.

"It's perfectly perfect." Lawyer Barbie agreed.

"And you look so beautiful, Barbie!" Physicist Barbie cheered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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